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There is nothing Semi Eita hates more than Match Day. He absolutely hates seeing those recent med school grad brats being promoted to residents. It's as if the world was mocking him for his 5-year stand still as a resident under Dr. Washijou. This year was no different, seeing as though not one, but two graduates were matched with Washijou.

Shiratorizawa University Medical Center is one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world, people from all over Asia fly in just to have the chance to be diagnosed by Dr. Washijou and his team, or their cancer 'cured' by the miracle Dr. Ushijima Wakatoshi. Even their pediatrics department, ran by Dr. Tendou Satori is unrivaled by any hospital in Japan.

Needless to say, Semi was not at all excited to work with his new partners Goshiki Tsutomu and Shirabu Kenjirou. New residents are nothing but problems, and Semi is sure this new batch is no different.

One thing to understand about Semi Eita is that though he is a genius himself, he hates geniuses. Sure, Doctors Ushijima, Tendou, and Washijou have made quite the names for themselves, but so has rising Dr. Semi Eita. Graduating college at just 19 and med school at 22, Semi was the youngest in his batch of residents to begin at Shiratorizawa UMC. However, going into his fifth year of residency under Dr. Washijou, he is becoming restless. He is itching for Washijou's retirement and his imminent promotion to 'real' doctor and department head.

Luckily for Semi, the new residents were interesting. Shirabu, who is in fact older that Goshiki, is only entering his first year of residency. Though it is custom for med school graduates to get matched with a residency straight after graduation, Shirabu opted to take a year off to conduct research with his partner Kawanishi Taichi. The two published many papers together, some even changing the way diagnostics departments work in smaller hospitals.

Goshiki was also quite the prodigy. Graduating top of his class, it was no surprise that he was matched with a residency at such a prestigious hospital.

Yeah sure, these new residents were talented and probably deserved everything they got because of all the hard work they put in. But will Semi recognize this? No, because he is way to bitter for his own good.

Sitting towards the back of the auditorium, Semi sucked it up and joined the applause when it was formally announced that Goshiki and Shirabu were matched with Dr. Washijou.

'Hmph... it's not like they're going to become real doctors before me.'

Later that day, Semi was out drinking with Tendou and Ushijima. It was really just Tendou, since Ushijima was always designated driver. Preaching that he never has the time to get properly wasted with his friends. On the other hand, Semi took this opportunity to heart.

"Tendou, what was Washijou thinking? Three residents? As if I'm not enough!" Semi exclaimed, his hands flying everywhere around him to show his immense displeasure.

Tendou leaned back on the barstool, putting his feet on the counter, causing the bartender to shoot him a dirty look. "Semisemi~ It's fine, some residencies take longer than others~ At least you're not in General Surgery, it's seven years for them" He sang, completely ignoring the mood of the group.

"At this rate, I'm going to be a resident for the rest of my sorry existence." Semi grumbled, pushing himself up to stand, gaining a surprised look from Ushijima, who wasn't paying attention at all.

"Semi, sit down. You know that you're intelligent, I don't understand why you are so worked up about this." Ushijima stated plainly.

Semi just sighed discontented. "Of course you two wouldn't understand, you sped through your residencies."

The two drinkers finished up the round, and moved to order another one. Ushijima stopped them from doing so, they had work the next day anyway. Ushijima's the only responsible one in the group.

As Semi crashed into his bed in their shared apartment, he made a promise to himself.

Yes, Shirabu Kenjirou and Goshiki Tsutomu might be the top of their flock, but there is absolutely no way that they will steal the limelight from future diagnostics head Dr. Semi Eita.

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