case 1

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Shirabu was pissed off. He is a resident at one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world. What the hell was he doing at four in the morning getting coffee for his coworkers. He should be in the halls of Shiratorizawa UMC gathering case information and solving cases, not at the on campus Starbucks ordering four coffees with quad shots.

Looking back at his phone, Shirabu glances over the text thread that started his morning off on the wrong foot.

Semi Eita ➡️ Shirabu Kenjirou and Goshiki Tsutomu
Good morning to both of you. Congrats on your match.

Goshiki Tsutomu ➡️ Semi Eita and Shirabu Kenjirou
Thank you, Semi-senpai.

Shirabu Kenjirou ➡️ Semi Eita and Goshiki Tsutomu
Thank you, I am eager to work with the both of you. Is there anything I can do before getting to the hospital?

Oh how Shirabu regretted sending that text.

Semi Eita ➡️ Shirabu Kenjirou and Goshiki Tsutomu
Actually yes. Pick up coffee for the four of us from the Starbucks on med campus. Washijou likes a quad shot latte, the same for me. How do you take your coffee Goshiki?

Goshiki Tsutomu ➡️ Semi Eita and Shirabu Kenjirou
I'll take the same thing pls

And that is how Shirabu got into this mess. Now he's been standing in this line for close to 20 minutes, and he's still quite a few spots away from the front. After he placed the order in for four iced lattes, his phone buzzed again.

Semi Eita ➡️ Shirabu Kenjirou and Goshiki Tsutomu
Oh shit I forgot. Make sure one of the lattes is hot or Washijou will have your head. Sorry!

God damn it! The world really just hates Shirabu Kenjirou. Maybe it was too soon to formulate an opinion, but in that moment Shirabu really wasn't a fan of Semi Eita.

Once Shirabu arrived at the hospital, with the corrected coffee orders, Semi and Goshiki were already waiting for him in the foyer. Seeing his exasperated expression, Semi narrowed his eyes at the newcomer.

"Thanks for the coffee, but next time can you get here on time?"

And in that moment, Shirabu Kenjirou knew he absolutely hated Semi Eita.

Patient Name: Takemoto Yuki (F)
Patient Age: 13
Observable symptoms: abnormal amount of falls, deformed right big toe, muscle inflammation in the left hip, difficulty moving digits in the right hand.
No signs of fever when admitted in hospital.
Originally admitted for breaking three ribs from falling down a stair case.
Diagnosis: N/A

"At least try to walk my pace," Semi falls over his shoulder, clasping a patient file to his chest as he strides to the conference room where Dr. Washijou is sitting at the head of the table.

The three enter, and Washijou nods at them to acknowledge their presence. Semi dips his head in a respectful bow, Shirabu waves, and Goshiki is frozen like a deer in the headlights.

"Goshiki Tsutomu, isn't it? I hope you don't freeze up in front of a patient when their life is in your hands." Washijou states coldly, and Goshiki flushes an angry red color.

"No s-sir! I'm so sorry!" Goshiki stutters out, Semi putting a comforting hand on his back guiding him to one of the chairs before wiping the white board by Washijou's chair clean.

Washijou looks over the two new residents with a critical gaze. Goshiki was almost trembling but Shirabu just stood there keeping his head high.

"You both are here because you show extraordinary potential in this field. You have one chance and one chance only. Do not disappoint me." Washijou lectures, making Semi feel relieved that he wasn't on the receiving end of that lecture.

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