round 1

13 3 2

fluff~ kagehina

"You guys go ahead, Kageyama's gonna set to me a few times if that's alright." The rest of the team nodded and started to walk out of the gym before Daichi piped up. "Yeah, don't sweat it. Just lock up the gym after, you both know what to do." Hinata smiled and waved, "Of course! We'll make sure everything is perfect!"

After the rest of the team left, the only people left in the gym were Kageyama and Hinata. But it wasn't the first time this happened, in fact they tended to practice together a lot. Both of the boys worked relentlessly, always giving it there all, and these practices were no different.

"Hinata! You need to actually hit the ball next time, focus!" Kageyama scoffed, to which Hinata quickly retorted "Well if you would stop yelling at me I probably would,"

Kageyama opened his mouth to respond, but sighed instead. "How about we stop for the day? We've been at this for what, an hour now? Let's just go home, okay?" Hinata thought about it for a moment, then smiled up at his friend. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. But now we got to clean all this up," He gestured towards the collection of volleyballs scattered across the gym floor. The boys quickly went to work, gathering everything up and putting it all away. Luckily, it took little time and wasn't too difficult.

"Alright, now that that's finished, I guess this is goodbye," Kageyama shrugged his shoulders, hoping to make some kind of conversation. Hinata grinned and slowly walking towards the door, "Yup, race you to the parking lot?" Raising his eyebrows at his friend, Kageyama softly smiled. "You're on, but we have to lock up first."

The boys stood with their backs to the locked gym door, ready to take off. "I'm going to count down and we go at one," Hinata declared. "Three... Two..." Kageyama started sprinting, calling to Hinata behind him. "One!"

Quickly catching up, Hinata sent a glare towards his setter. "Kageyama! You were supposed to wait for me to say it!" They dashed towards the parking lot, and somehow managed to have a conversation while doing it.

"You're not going to win either way, dumbass." No one had taken the lead as the parking lot came into view. The boys pushed themselves further, desperately trying to get in front of the other. Unfortunate for both of them, it was a tie. "Dang it," Hinata pouted. "I thought I was gonna win this time for sure."

They both smiled at each other before quickly turning away. Once again, Kageyama awkwardly tried to make conversation. "So, I guess we go home now right?" They both nodded, but Hinata still wore his smile. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He turned and started to walk away before Kageyama shouted to him, "Wait, where are you going? The bike rack is over there,"

The black haired boy saw that there were no bikes and grew even more confused. "Oh yeah, I got distracted this morning and just walked. But don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" Kageyama's brows furrowed while he listened to Hinata. "How do you get distracted and forget your bike? The bike you use everyday?"

He giggled before answering his friend, "Oh, I was listening to a song I really like. Do you want to hear it?" Kageyama's face grew a faint red color, to which he whipped his face the other direction, hoping no one saw. "Umm, sure, why not?"

Hinata grinned, pulling out his earbuds and plugging them into his phone. "Let's walk together, we have to go in the same direction, anyway." Kageyama nodded, taking one of the buds from the orange haired boy and placing it in his ear.

They walked alongside each other, the soft tune playing in their ears. "Just wait, it's about to get good" Hinata assured his friend. When lyrics joined the music, the little tangerine couldn't help but sing along. Kageyama stared and didn't even bother listening to the song anymore, his only focus was Hinata. It's not like his voice was anything special, but to Kageyama, it could have easily been a professional singer.

"Whatcha looking at?" Hinata questioned with a smile. Kageyama returned from his thoughts red-faced, hurrying to hide it from his friend. "Oh, nothing," Shrugging his shoulders, Hinata returned to vibing to his song. There was a small smile on both of their faces as they walked next to each other. The boys could have walked for miles together but unfortunately, they had reached the point where they needed to split ways.

"Dang it, the song's not even finished yet," Hinata complained. Kageyama rolled his eyes, "You can show me the rest later." The boys exchanged another little smile before awkwardly looking at the ground and sky. They stood on the sidewalk, both of them trying think of something to comment. "I guess we say goodbye now," they said in unison.

Nodding his head, Kageyama offered his fist for a fistbump. Hinata lifted his own to bump it, but went in for a hug at the last second. "Thanks for listening with me, Kageyama. I'll make sure to send you the link so you can listen to the song whenever you want!" Kageyama wasn't expecting the embrace, but placed his arms around the orange haired boy. He enjoyed the hug, but would never admit it.

"Oh, um, yeah. You do that," As expected, Kageyama didn't know what to say, however the blush across his face said everything. When they released each other, Hinata was beaming. "See you tomorrow!" He waved to his friend before turning and walking away.

Kageyama stood for a minute or two before heading home as well. "What a dumbass," He whispered to himself. As soon as Kageyama started walking, his phone pinged with a message from Hinata. It read, "Here's the link! I hope you like it as much as I do :)"

Sighing with a smile on his face, Kageyama thought to himself, "It wasn't a very good song, but I wouldn't turn down listening to anything with him." And with that, the two boys walked to their own homes, thinking of each other.

word count~ 1039 (I'm hoping there's no word limit lmao)

so, yeah, idk if this even counts as fluff but oh well.

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