round 2

8 2 3

angst~ iwaoi

He'd been going to a different school from Iwaizumi for a few months now, but today was different. Oikawa woke up feeling terrible, and it didn't seem to go away as the hours passed. He was worried about his friend, and with reason, considering he hadn't answered his texts for at least a week. Oikawa tried to call him constantly, but Iwaizumi never picked up.

"Did I do something wrong?" Oikawa thought to himself, "Why is he ignoring me?" There were endless possibilities for what Iwa-chan was doing, but the only conclusion Oikawa could come to was that it was his fault. He tried to carry out his day like normal, but guilt and worry continued to drag him down.

He sulked through the halls, everyone around noticed that he wasn't his usual self. Friends and people who rarely spoke to him shot questions at him like a machine gun. "What's wrong, Oikawa?", "Are you alright?" They just kept coming, seemingly unstoppable.

Fed up with the interrogations, Oikawa rushed away from the commotion and into a nearby bathroom. He pulled out his phone, gripping it tightly as he dialed his friend's number once more. "Dammit, Iwa-chan, pick it up. C'mon, please?"

The ringing of the phone became increasingly annoying, mocking Oikawa because his own best friend wouldn't even answer when he called. He ran his hand through his hair, clenching his fist. "What the hell is he doing? What did I do to him?" The thought of Iwaizumi being angry at Oikawa made him sick to his stomach, but he didn't see any other possibility.

He braced himself over the trash can, hoping to release his stress and worry. Instead, he just lost his lunch. If anything, it just made him feel worse. Oikawa stood up, moving away from the trash can that now reeked of vomit. He stood with his back to the wall, slowly sliding down and placing his head in his knees. The boy desperately thought of ways to calm himself down, but the only thing on his mind was Iwaizumi.

The tears began to fall, slow at first but quickly turning into a waterfall down his face. He blamed himself. Oikawa blamed himself for not texting him enough. For not being a good friend. For being rude or self-absorbed. He blamed himself for everything he didn't do wrong. "If he doesn't even want to text me then there's no way he wants to be my friend, or anything more. Iwaizumi probably doesn't want anything to do with me."

So, he sat on the bathroom floor for who knows how long, drowning in his own tears. Oikawa didn't even bother trying to call or text again. At least not until he got a notification. But not from Iwaizumi, no he got a notification from Instagram. "Now is not the time-" The notification was a new post from @hajime_iwa. His jaw fell open, Oikawa didn't even know what he was supposed to think of that.

Hesitantly, he tapped on the notification. His phone dragged him to Iwaizumi's Instagram, forcing him to face the harsh reality. The photo posted was of Iwa-chan and a girl Oikawa had never seen before. His hand was wrapped around her waist and they wore the biggest smiles you'd ever seen. With his heart sinking, Oikawa placed his phone on the ground and put his head in his hands.

"So he was ignoring me?" His tears from earlier weren't completely dried yet, so fresh ones easily fell from eyes. The boy wasn't shocked, to say the least. He knew how attractive his friend was. After all, he was attracted himself, but it hurt that he had chosen a girl over his best friend. And it wasn't just a day or two, he chose to ignore Oikawa for over a week.

Jealousy overtook him, and he snatched his phone from the floor and started to type up a comment on Iwaizumi's post. "I hope you're happy, idiot >:(" Sure, the emoji was childish but it was the only way he thought to express his anger and stress. Then, he waited in a puddle until he got a response. Which luckily, didn't take long.

"wtf shittykawa? wdym?" That nickname felt like a stab in the heart to Oikawa. He never liked it anyway but it hurt even more at that moment. "What do I mean?! You've been ignoring me and now you go post a picture with your gf?!? Who you never told me about? qwq"

He waited once again for another reply, and just like before, it was quick. "oh my god, just DM me pls? we can talk there" Oikawa sighed, but obliged. He went to his DMs, selecting on Iwaizumi's name. They began to chat, getting straight to the bottom of what was going on. They were both incredibly confused with what the other was saying, always asking more questions.

Oikawa: So are you going to explain??

Iwaizumi: I still don't understand what you're talking about

Oikawa: you've been ignoring me :(

Iwaizumi: ohh I get it now. its cuz i dropped my phone in the river on a date with Ava

Oikawa: Ava? That's a shitty name XD

Iwaizumi: oh shut up at least I have a gf

Oikawa: yea whatever. back to what I was saying, why didn't you just get a new phone or something??

Iwaizumi: phones aren't cheap, idiot. and ava let me use hers for important things

Oikawa: so texting your best friend and letting him know you didn't hate him wasn't important?!?

Iwaizumi: is that what you thought?

Oikawa: OF COURSE IT WAS >:(

Iwaizumi: I'm sorry Oikawa, I meant to but I just never got to it

Oikawa: whatever idc anyway

Iwaizumi: yeah you do

*read by Oikawa*

Yes, leaving him on read was not the best move, but Oikawa didn't have the time for that. Not only was he still upset, class was about to start. The boy faced himself in the mirror, his face was red and blotchy, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Oikawa flushed it with water and finally left the bathroom.

The rest of the day was boring and uneventful. His phone continued to blow up with notifications, who he could only assume were all Iwaizumi. Oikawa made an effort to not check his phone the rest of the day, which was quite difficult considering he was constantly on it. He didn't want to see Iwaizumi's name on his screen, so he couldn't bear to even look at his phone.

When his classes were finally over, he made his way home, contemplating whether he should text him again. "No, you idiot. You're too dependent on him, if he wants to be with his girlfriend, let him. You don't need him."

And thus, his mind was made up. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, heading straight for the contacts. It hurt, but it had to be done. It took everything inside of Oikawa, but he pressed delete. He had deleted Iwaizumi from his phone. Then he moved on to any other communication they had, every single one, he deleted.

Oikawa figured he was overreacting, but he couldn't get Iwaizumi out of his head. He could only see Iwaizumi and that girl, they both wore those same smiles but they were laughing this time. They were laughing at him. "You're only friend has a girlfriend now, what're you gonna do about it?" They ridiculed him, the same words played on repeat. "You're in love with your only friend! And now he's not even your friend!"

The poor boy didn't know what to do, he thought the only way to get it to stop was to isolate himself. When he got home, he pulled the ice cream out of the freezer and plopped onto his bed. Oikawa tried to suffocate his thoughts with the delicious food, but it only made him more aware of them. He remembered eating ice cream with Iwaizumi. He remembered how much fun he had anytime Iwaizumi was around.

And once again, the tears fell. Oikawa knew that it wouldn't be easy to get over him, he still didn't know if that's even what he wanted, but he did know that it hurt. It hurt him a lot. So, that night he fell asleep, with ice cream next to him, dreaming of what they could have been.

word count~ 1408

yeah I dont have much to say about this one, except I saw somethings similar to this on the discord server and I just want to let it be know that I didn't copy anyone, I just thought of this and wrote it down :)

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