Untitled Part 3

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Story is also posted on fanfiction.net

Author's note. So you might be wondering, is Kabuto actually nice? He is still twisted though, so is Orochimaru. The same goes for Akatsuki, they still are High-rank Nukenins too.

Chapter 3: Daily living and Awakening part 1

The children were quite exhausted but they needed some decent clothes for the academy. In the shop, they split up. Sakura found some undergarments she liked with the help of the shop keeper. She also found a cute dark tank top which came with 4 extras different colored ones and four nice pants. Two short pants and two long Jeans and leggings. She even got a steal for 3 nice combat onesies. They had cherry blossoms on them and were white, grey, and black. She found two cute sandals too.

Sasuke and Naruto had also nice clothes and undergarments. As well as some combat clothes. Sasuke got 7 shirts in blue and four pants with it and two sandals. The same goes for Naruto but he took a black shirt and an orange vest while Sasuke took a red vest. Sakura a pink vest.

They also found for each nice thick bomber jacket for the upcoming winter. Sakura would knit some scarfs and wool hats. They got also some 36 packs of the sock. All under 1.800 Ryo somehow which was good for their boys. Sakura used some coupons so they had about 5.000 left for food for the next 4 weeks. Going home, they started to sort their stuff and do their chores. Sasuke planted and filled the garden sun house and took out bad plants. Bringing also the outside garden back to shape too and watering everything. Naruto took over the washing machine while Sakura prepared their dinner. It was around 5 pm they were done, including drying up the clothes and ironing them. As well as cleaning up their house and making their beds ready. Before sleeping they reformed their schedules.

It has been a few days and their days consisted of waking up, food, training, and working in the hospital, free food from the hospital, training than sleep. Rinse and repeat. Most days they looked forward too, were combat weekends. Kabuto thaught them basics medical-ninjutsu and taijutsu ( ninja Combat) and helped improve their writing. The trained medic noticed how quickly they learned especially Sakura got a hang on taijutsu rather quickly than the other two. He stepped up the game and taught them high ranked medical taijutsu that was specialized in taking down the enemy much more quickly to help comrades and save chakra.

What Kabuto also mentally noted was that Sasuke had a typical basic cranky Uchiha fighting style which was swift and quick. Naruto a deformed Uzumaki fighting style which focused on brewed out battles since Uzumakis had huge Stamina and Chakra. Sakura had more of a destructive Senju style. One punch of her hurts so much. Not bad for his cute students. If only he could be a Jonin they would be a perfect squad.

Kabuto just waited for the academy to do its part.

*****SASORI MY MAN, MY MAN SASORI UN*********** (another time skip)

It was their first day in the academy. Many children had parents and their school bags. Some came along with uncles or aunts. A few were lonely orphans like them, lingering about. After Minato's boring speech, the young Hokage left with his wife to his paperwork of hell, while each new student was called to their teacher.

" ....Ino Yamanaka, Amy Senju, Hinata Hyuga, Sasuke Naruto, and Sakura Haruno. We are all here now, welcome, and follow me to our Classroom. My name is Iruka Umino and the next 7 years I will be your Sensei."

The academy seemed boring for some, but for the Haruno siblings, it was pure bliss and a blessing. Only 4 months in and they were one of the top 20 students in a class. Each class consisted of 150 students. Most skipping classes or impressing people with their Clan jutsus or sleep since they knew already thanks to their clans.

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