2 - Rules

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Anger. That was all Jihoon could feel at the moment.

When he'd asked Mr. Kim if they could talk before he left the meeting room, this wasn't how he'd expected things to go. Granted, he hadn't expected any of the morning's events to happen, but this? This took the cake.

Maybe if Jihoon hadn't been so angry that he'd stayed after the meeting, this would have been one of his co-worker's problems, not his.

Unfortunately for Jihoon that wasn't the case. He couldn't help himself, what with the way Kwon Soonyoung had been sitting there playing around on his phone and then had the audacity to smirk at Jihoon when he caught him glaring. Anyone else in his position would have done the same.

So naturally, he asked "Mr. Kim sir, do you have a minute? I'd like to talk to you."

He made sure his voice was stern enough that even though Mr. Kim was his superior, he'd feel like he couldn't give him 'no' as an answer.

So Mr. Kim obviously agreed, and much to Jihoon's satisfaction it was clear that Kwon Soonyoung could tell his presence there wasn't wanted anymore. He nervously cleared his throat and the cocky aura the man had when he'd smirked at Jihoon was less prominent in that moment. Of course Soonyoung looked like he still didn't want to be there, but his face had changed into a more confused expression, almost like he couldn't figure out what he was supposed to be doing.

If Jihoon wasn't so mad, he might have felt bad.

Mr. Kim took notice of Soonyoung's predicament and said, "Mr. Kwon, you can head out to Mr. Lee's desk and wait for him there, we'll only be a moment."

Soonyoung nodded and took one more nervous look around the room before he walked out the door. And Jihoon? Jihoon was beyond confused. Did Mr. Kim just send Kwon Soonyoung to his desk?

It was still early and this day was already turning out to be more than a match for Jihoon.

"Sir, what's going on?" Jihoon asked, needing some kind of explanation.

Mr. Kim sighs, "Look Mr. Lee, I'm truly sorry. I know how badly you wanted this job, but there's nothing I can do now. We have to respect our President's wishes, and his wish was that we put his son in charge of your division. I ask that you please just accept it for what it is."

So Kwon Soonyoung was President Kwon's son?

This takes Jihoon a minute to process. From what he'd heard in the two years he's been here, the President's son didn't want anything to do with the company. There were rumors that it was because he was rebellious, but since no one that worked here had ever seen or talked to the guy there wasn't any way to confirm that, so why? Why bring in someone who doesn't seem to have any interest in working here or any form of training to run a whole division?

"Mr. Kim I don't understand what's going on here. I won't lie, I'm not happy with the President's decision and I know you can't help with that, but can you at least tell me why you sent him to my desk? If I have to accept this, I at least want an explanation."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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