~Chapter one~

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Today is my first day at UA, my class is called class 1-A while my brother's is Class 2-A. I must admit, I'm excited but I'm really having doubts going to UA instead of Shiketsu. Shiketsu is more underground and I just want it to be that way. I don't want to be well known just to be a failure, but oh well.
"Good morning explosive boy!" I said to my brother.
"Shut up." He said. His language always makes me wonder how is he not expelled from UA, I guess we'll never know.
After I got ready for school I walked to the door as I heard my mom say "Have a great day you two!". When I finally reached the door I saw my brotber outside, waiting for me.
"Took you long enough" He grunted.
"But you still waited~" I teased. No response.

We walked to school together and we saw such a big gate. Like did UA put all your budget in the gate? Geez.
"Is this really UA? It's so big in personal!" I asked shockingly
"Nah this is Shiketsu. Now just shut up and go inside." He said in a grumpy tone.
"Okay party poo-" My words were cut short when a certain boy crashed into me
"My apologies, I wasn't looking where I was walking." A boy with red and white hair said
"It's oka-" "MAYBE NEXT TIME LOOK AT WHERE YOUR GOING INSTEAD OF THE GROUND!" Bakugou said as he interrupted me
"No no, it's really okay." I innocently said.
"May I ask what's your name?" "Y/n. How about you?" "My name is Shoto. And by any chance are you Katsuki's girlfriend?"
"He's my brother." I said while choking on my spit
"Like I said earlier, my apologies." The bo- I meant Todoroki says. "So must I see you around?"
"NO YOU WO-" "I guess" I interrupted Katsuki. When I saw his face raging up you can guess I naruto ran into UA hoping not to get killed by my own brother. Once I got into my class I sat down at the back as I tried to hide from my raging brother. As time passed the teacher went in and I finally sighed of relief because Katsu can't get to me anymore.
"Good morning sensei!" The class said in unison "Is that the pro hero eraserhead?" The boy in front of me said "Yeah it is. He looks so- lazy..." The girl next to him said.
Todoroki's POV
That girl is actually Bakugou's sister? But how? She so nice and sweet while Bakugou is, explosive. Not to mention she's attractive. Is she adopted? Is she from the trash bin when her parents abandoned her and Bakugou's mother found her? Is sh- "Todoroki-kun!" Izuku said "We literally have been trying to talk to you!" Uraraka said.
"Izuku? I said "Yes?" "May I ask you a question?" "Sure!" "Did you know Bakugou has a sister?"  "Yeah! She's my childhood bestfriend and she's like a sister to me! But I haven't talked to her recently because ive been busy, why'd you ask?" Izuku curiously asked. "I met her in the entrance earlier. I think she's in class 1-A."  "No way, Bakugou has a sister? Why didn't we know?" Uraraka asked  "Why did I hear some extras talking about my sister?" Bakugou said "Well speaking of the devil..." Uraraka mumbled. "No we weren't talking about her kacchan!" Izuku nervously said "Whatever." Said Bakugou. "We should invite her to lunch! Deku can you invite her?" Uraraka asked. "Yeah sure! I-I will." Deku said.
/Timeskip brought to you by allmights powerful hair/
"Hey N/n!" (N/n means nickname btw.)
I turn around to see a familiar green haired boy walking towards me. "D-deku?" I said "I missed you so muchhh!" I hugged him tightly "Yeah I missed you too. Anyways would you like to sit with me and my squad?" Deku chuckled "I cant see why not." I smiled. As we were walking to the cafeteria my eyes were scanning the hallways to see if my brother was walking to the cafeteria. "Huh, he must be already there" I thought.
When we got to the cafeteria and got our food I followed Deku to a certain table right in the back, I scanned the cafeteria for any blonde haired explosive boy snd i found him but, it sure as hell wouldn't be great if he saw me with Deku. Anyways when I sat down at the table all eyes started to stare at me. Did i have something on my face? "Hey Y/n, we met earlier." Todoroki said while eating his cold soba. "Yeah, I remember." All the questions suddenly started flooding when I answered Todoroki's question. "Are you really Katsuki's sister?" A girl with pink cheeks said "Ribbit, what's your quirk?" A girl with green hair said "Are you single?" A grape haired boy said (Shoji and Mineta sit with the dekusquad in the anime) "Yes. I am Katsuki's sister, my quirk is explosion too but i can secrete acid out of my palms. And not interested." I answered all their questions. As they we're asking more questions my eyes suddenly looked around the cafeteria but stopped when it locked eyes with a yellow one, I suddenly got my consciousness back and smiled at the guy with yellow hair. He did the same but with a wink.
"I actually never caught your names." I said
" My name is Uraraka!" The girl with pink cheeks said. "My name is Asui" The girl with green hair said. "I'm Deku, but you already know me!" Midoriya said. "I'm Mineta, and im sure this name will be connected to yours soon." Grapehead said. "Yeah and my fist will be next to your face." I said in a harsh tone. The bell rang and we were standing up to leave and go to our classrooms. When we said our goodbyes, I went back to my classroom and went back to my seat. Luckily I made some friends earlier and when I was talking to them somebody almost broke the door and when I looked I saw my brother scanning the room to look for me. I immediately went out to talk to him and he said
"Why didn't you sit with me in the cafeteria. You could've gotten hurt by the ones you sat with today." He grunted
"Hello to you too. And don't worry, I'll sit with you tomorrow, I just sat with friends today" I smiled
"Tsk, whatever." He said and then walked away. "Bye to you too!" I almost shouted. I came back in the classroom and sat back in the chair only to be asked a question from my friend. "I'm guessing that's your boyfriend. If so, damn girl you two are an attractive couple!" She/Yuri said "I will literally put a sign explaining Katsu is my brother next time I go back to this school" I mumbled. "He's my brother..." "Ohh, awkwardd!" She said "If he's attractive why don't you go ask him out?" My guy friend/Miriko said "Heavens no! Hes only attractive. I don't know much about his personality." She said while me and Miriko died of laughter by her reaction. "Everybody sit down because the next subject is gonna start!" My responsible classmate said.
//Another timeskip brought to you by glamouroki//
"Finally!" I got up off my seat and walked out of the classroom with my new friends and got out of the school just chatting and then we went to a 7/11 to eat and chat. We sat in the back corner of the 7/11 and I could swear the guy in the table next to ours were staring at me. After he gave me a weird look he called someone, he was weird but I didn't really cared. After we ate we chatted a little bit when I got a text from my brother
"Dumbass, get home now."
Guys I gotta go, see you all soon! " I smiled then walked out of the shop. As I walked home I thought to myself "Is water wet?" While I was debating I didn't even realize I'm already in front of our door. When I walked inside I saw 4 people who definitely wasn't my family. "Konnichiwa." I greeted. They all greeted back. "Boom boom boi is this your sister?" A certain red haired boy said. I chuckled at his nickname. "Boom boom boy AHAHHAHA" I laughed hysterically "Shut up!" Katsuki smacked me in the head "" Aye aye! No to smacks." I said." Whatever." He grunted. "Yes, I am indeed boom boom boys' sister." I chuckled a bit saying that. "Great! I'm Kirishima" The red head said. "I'm Mina!" A girl with pink hair said "I'm Sero" The black haired boy said. "Who's the yellow haired boy?" I asked. "Kaminari stop scrolling and introduce yourself!" Kirishima said "Okay okay, my name is Denki and I'm totally not a charging po-" He was cut off when he finally looked up and saw me. I really think i have dirt on my face because of all these people staring.
" Damn, your beautiful." He said.

1546 words.

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