~The first half of chapter two~

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"Damn your beautiful." Kaminari said. I felt my cheeks become pink when you heard that.
"Oi what'd you say about my sister dunce face?" Your brother said. I finally snapped back into reality when you heard your name.
"It doesn't mean that if your in my house you can flirt with my sister!" Katsu said
"I'm sorr-" "Calm down Katsu, please." I said as he was basically ready to blow down the house. "I'll go upstairs, see you later." I said as you went up the stairs. I entered your room and immediately faceplanted into the bed.
"I'm already tired after ONE FREAKING DAY?" I mumbled. I kept thinking about just leaving UA or the earth if I'm lucky when I felt my eyes become heavy.
"I guess I should go rest. I deserve that after what happened today." I thought to myself. I finally closed my eyes and then rested.
Kaminari's POV
"Come on Mina please? I'll owe you a lot if you do this." I said. "Fine, but I'm expecting something big in return okay?" Mina said. "Thank you so much Mina you're a lifesaver!" Sero said. "Guys don't you think we should ask Bakubro fir-" "Ask me what?" Kirishima was interrupted when Bakugou went in our way.
"Uhhh, we were gonna ask you if uh-" Sero said "If water was wet!" I said. "Of course water isn't wet, you're really a dumbass aren't you? Anyways where the f*** is racoon eyes?" Bakugou grunted. "Come on, I saved you from the last one." I mouthed to Sero and Kirishima. I felt Kirishimas eyes scan the room when he saw something that may help him and us with Bakugou's question. "I think she made a phone call Bakubro! Haha, am I right?" Kirishima questioned "Totally! Yeah!" I said as I was basically worshipping Kirishima for that save. Huh, I wonder how Mina's doing?

Mina's POV
I stood in front of a wooden door, basically I was asked by the boys to get Y/N's phone number or Instagram. I knocked on the door gently.
" If this is Katsu pardon my french but can you kindly f*** off?" Y/N said in a gruff voice.
"It's me, Mina. You know, the girl?" I said as I was scared as heck. Dang, who knew this girl can say that?
"It's unlocked." She said.
"Hey." I said. "Can I ask what do you want?" She asked angrily. Ouch. "I'm sorry to interrupt you, I just wanted to get to know you!" I almost shouted.
"Okay fine." She said. There was an awkward silence as I was embarrassed to ask her about this but I have too.
"Can I ask your number or even Instagram?" I said.
"Sure, why not." She said as she gave it to me without hesitation. "Now are you gonna leave or are we just gonna sit in silence?" She asked obviously tired. "I'll leave. Byeee!" I enthusiastically said. "Bye. Shut the door behind you." She said. "Mission accomplished." I mumbled to myself as as I was happily walking down the hallway and into the stairs. As I reached the ground I was disappointed but not surprised on what was happening.
"What is happening here?!" I shouted.
"I don't know!" Kaminari answered. I saw Bakugou shouting at Sero while Sero was teasing him. Kirishima was holding Bakugou off when he literally made a hole in the wall. "Can you guys please keep the frick down? SOMEBODY is trying to freaking sleep!" I heard a voice say behind me. They immediately stopped when her red eyes glared at everyone.
"But the boy was being ann-" "It's not a freaking excuse to shout!" She grunted. "Now I'll go back to sleep and if I hear any ONE of you again I will literally stick your mouths up your ass." She threatened then she went up the stairs and into her room.
"Don't mess with her when she's tired or on her period maybe when angry too. " Bakugou said. "That's a death wish. A bad one." He grunted

"Hey kids!" I heard a voice say only to turn around and see a woman in her 40's. By her appearance I could assume it's Y/N and Bakugou's mom.

711 words. Sorry if its short tho!

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