chapter: 3

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It was around dinner time when i heard my mother yell from downstairs.

"Des gamins! L'heure du dîner!" She yelled for us to come down for dinner. We all come downstairs except for Sarah.

"Sarah est descendue!" my mom yelled. "je regarde la maman instagram d'Andre!" She said, i rolled my eyes. She was looking at Andre's instagram.... again!

Sarah finally comes down with her phone in her hands, almost slipping like one million times. Alice starts crying.

"You shoulden't do that! You know you can look at Andre's instagram at anytime you want! Plus we are going to visit them soon!" i say. "Yeah but the flight is like eleven hours! Plus i have to wait another night!" She pouted. "Really!? You know that we haven't seen them in years and you were fine!" i glare at her. She stomps her foot, "But i was like in complete depression!" she said. I look at her feeling pissed.

"pardon! Je ne parle pas anglais à la table car je ne peux pas vous comprendre, Sarah aussi, vous verrez André quelque temps demain!" she yelled and glared at us both. We both stop talking.

"J'ai un petit-ami" Chole says. She has a boyfriend!? Chole says she has a boyfriend and my mom looks at her like she was about to strangle her.

I quickly eat my dinner and scarf down my drink like it's nobody's buissness. "Ew!" Sarah says to me with a disgusted face. I roll my eyes and hurry to my bedroom.

I look at the clock while walking upstairs, it said 9:00 and i was really excited to go to Paris so i rushed into my bedroom and quickly put on my pajama's. I could hear everyone else coming upstairs to get there pajama's on but i was just laying in my bed watching youtube on my mini ipad.

My mom had a computer, my sister had a phone, i had a ipad, my younger sister had an ipod, and well Alice, she has barbies. I thought it was kind of neat how it's like youngest to oldest considering electronics.

I was watching try not to laugh tick tocks and i coulden't hold my laughter.

About ten minuets later my older sister walked in the room. "Mom says it's bed time, Well accually more for you and the others, because i have to finish painting my nails." She gives me a sheepish grin and walks out the room with a dramatic hair flip.

I roll my eyes while memories flash before my eyes.....


"Dion! mommy says it's time for school!" Sarah shouts at me, It was my first day of third grade. "Coming!" I lied as i crept into my sisters room and slithered into her bathroom. I looked on the bathroom counter and i see my sisters blue nailpolish, i smile.

"Hurry Dion!" My sister yells. I come downstairs with my hands in my pockets. My dad drives us to school while i secretly admire my blue nails. I thought it looked pretty. I was just a kid and i was just learning.

After a few months of constently putting nail polish on every day my sister finally found out. She warned me not to touch it and well that was the end of that....


I look out my window and see the moonlight shine through the glass causing a vibrant effect. I turned off my i pad and look out the window, i smile, "Nice." I whispered to myself as i close my eyes.


"Réveillez-vous vite, nous devons monter dans l'avion!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. I slowly open my eyes with a groan. I was feeling weary. I looked out the window and i could barely see the sun, it was that early.

I hurry out of bed trying to be awake as possibe. I quickly comb my hair, but unfortunatly it looked all messy but i didn't really care. After that mess of a hair-do i grab a blue shirt and some jeans, throw them on and add some socks. After that i get my shoes on and i was about to go downstairs with my siblings but i had an idea. I snuck into my sisters room and grabbed her blue nailpolish and shoved it into my pocket. I quickly hurry out of her room and grab my suitcase. It was a really big suitcase and it was extremely heavy.

I throw myself downstairs and see a peice of toast with jam all over it. Then i see Sarah and Chole eating like two pigs with their suitcases by the back door.

We had a big van in the back but we only used it on trips but this was going to be the first time sence our last trip to Paris.

I grab the peice of toast and scarf it down. I saw my mom out the back window putting her suitcases in the back of the van and i go out to join her. I put my suitcase in the back and then i see Chole and Sarah running with there suitcases. "You look like a nerd Dion, have you seen your hair?" Sarah snorted while she shoved her suitcase in the back, Chole did the same.

I roll my yes and sigh.

"Monte dans la voiture." My mom asks us to get in the car so we all do. I had the responsability to take care of Alice in the back while my sisters talk about boys in the middle, and my mom in the front with her digging through her purse for everyone's passports.

As soon as she gets everthing ready she drives off.

"So, I found Leo's instagram and he grew up so he accually looks hot. I mean he's grown up a lot." "Well you should ask him out." "I will, only if you ask Andre out too." They giggled together.

"Don't ask Andre out." I say bluntly. They both turn there heads over too me. "Why not nerd?" Sarah glared. "Be-becuase if you become his girlfriend then he won't want to play with me anymore, and he will just spend time with you!" I whine.

"Well im sorry for u but i think i don't really care! Why don't you just play with i don't know anyone else!" Sarah shoots. "But not Leo!" Chole winks as she flips back her hair and starts blabbering on again.

"((WAAAA))!!" I hear Alice scream. I look at her and she looks back at me. "Shhhhh" I say as i hold her teny tiny hand, and smile. She falls asleep with a cute baby yawn.

"Hey uh, when Andre and I have a baby you can be the baby's maid." Sarah laughs. "Mine too." Chole snorts. "No i won't!!" I shoot back. They start laughing even more.

"One day you will work for me!" I say, which makes them tear up and cry of laughter. My face grew hot.

I felt my mom glaring at us but we decided to ignore it.

"Hey Dion, do you wan't to see what Andre looks like now becuase he is seriously hot! Also do you think i'm his type?" Sarah yapps while waving her pink phone in my face. I was just trying to get the kid to sleep!

"I'll pass. We'll see him today or tomorrow anyways." I shrug.

"OMG HE RESPONDED TO MY DM!" Sarah squeeked a high pitch sound.

"Soyez silencieux!" My mom yelled and my sister shut up, responding to be quiet.

The rest of the ride to the one Airport was preety quiet, Chole and Sarah secretly giggled while talking about....well you know. Alice was peacfully sleeping, my mom was happy driving and i was painting my nails.

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