Chapter: 4

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It was only an hour later when we arrived to the airport, "Get out car!" My mom warned, we were all shocked. "Since when did you speak english mom?" Sarah asked as her eyes widen.

"huh? Oh, I listen book about english." She said as she plucked out her headphones. "Why?" Chole asked as she slid open her door. "Huh..... Oh uh because i want listen to you." she said with a proud smile.

We all gulp, oh no. "Out!" she says my mom goes inside and tells us to wait here. I grab Alice and unbuckle her from her seatbelt, then take her out of her chair. Alice was thankfuly asleep becuase i knew she would get all fussy if she knew we were here.  I slowly lift her and keep her safe from falling out of my arms as i get out of the van.

"Your really good with little kids Dion." my sister smiled. "Thanks?" i questioned, I din't know if she was genuine to her words or not but the best i could do was ignore her.

My mom came back with a tall man with a pointy mustache, he had the name 'Marcus' on his shirt. He also carried a tall thingie with about four shelfs, it was on wheels too.

The man and my mother started placing all the suitcases and our belongings on the rolly shelf thing. As soon as our van was empty the man wen't inside and drove away, i was genuinely confused but decided not to say anything.

My mom gestured for us to come and we nod. My mother rolled the rolly thingie and Sarah and Chole were on Sarah's phone walking without looking, (which was dangerous) And i was walking with Alice, trying to keep her asleep, scared that she would wake up, But she didn't.

We made it to the main enterance of the airport, we all walk in at ease.

My mom motioned for us to come and we obeyed, leading us to the main counter where the secretaries worked. Since my mom coulden't speak english properly yet she asked Sarah to talk to the lady. She had dark hair pulled up into a neat bun, and her makeup fine as possible. And of course wearing the traditional 'uniform'.

My sister explained that we have a reservation for a flight talking off in about half an hour and the lady asked for some weird paper thingie and ID. I didn't know much about the conversation between my mom, the secretary, and sarah who was transalateing but it ended with us moving on to the secerity area. The WORST part about airports. I mean who likes it when random people look through all of there stuff! Plus i don't even understand why people have to take there belts off when clearly there are no wepons on them! Might aswell drag humans into the thingie were they put there bags and stuff. But i do get it's for saftey reasons so i will TRY to respect it.

Anyways the rest of the way to the plane was just a blur. Filled with on and off fighting between sibling and sibling and Sarah losing her phone at the mini starbucks (Yess!) And having a hissy fit until they got someone who works there to have a search party. Anyways, they end up finding it under some napkins in a starbucks garbage can (noooo!) Just a 'Regular' day for me.

Anyway we were sitting and waiting for the plane for about two seconds before Sarah started ranting on about how 'cute' Andre was or something stupid like that! I don't understand what they are feeling because i'm obviously not familiar with it. I never had a single crush in my life because i don't really find other people...... say 'hot' or 'cute'. I don't even think about love and i don't ever think i'll fall in love.

The plane arrived and it was about the time i would be having breakfest back at home but i was just glad i could sleep on the plane. But dispite my crave for sleep i am really excited to see my family-friends again, it's been too long! Anyways, we all borded the plane and found our seats in a nimble manner. But a down side (Yes there's a down side) I have to share a seat with Sarah and the baby while my mom sits with Chole. Aw great!

After all people borded the plane we heard a lady's voice talking about 'water landings' and 'plane crash saftey' which to be honest, sorta freaked me out. I mean who woulden't be nervous if a random lady was going over your death.

Anyways, The plane flew off the runway and we were off. The first ten seconds were peaceful until SOMEONE started ranting on and on about Andre. "Oh my god! Look what he said in my d'ms!" Sarah said in a 'flustered love sick' voice. It read, "Hey! I cant wait to see u and the others! Oh and have a safe flight!" I lookes at here and said "So what?" with my eyes.

About four hours later i woke up to Sarah (of course) On instagram with her phone in the charger across from me and my lap. "Dion! Wake up, Andre wants to say something to you!" I rub my eyes and look at her with a clearly annoyed look on my face. (Which she ignores) I lean my head over to her phone and read, "Hey!!!! Is this Dion? Well if it is i just want to say hi and i cant wait to see u at my house! And guess what? We get to share a room, like roommates! Anyways, cant wait to see u bia!" I smile at the message and bring myself back to my seat. "wait,...what? I thought i would share a room with you!" She speaks into her phone. I ignore her because i don't really care.

"Hello would you guys like any sandwiches or anything?" I lady came up to us and asked politely. "No thanks." I say, still pretty much full from the breakfest we had at the Airport. "Oh uh yes please" Said Sarah as she moves closer to the lady to talk about her alergies. I mean that girl has so many alergies she might aswell give her a plate of air. Unless that air has something in it that will make her sneeze.

Anyways, After long hours of a long! Plane ride there we were. On the plane by the airport of Paris.

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