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I walked home alone from school because Dylan had  basket ball practice . Alone in my thought, I realised I had to get a car because walking alone really sucked. I heard someone shouting my name from afar and I turned to see Martin running toward me."Asshole" I thought to myself. "Veeyarh please hear me out I really need to talk to you" he said panting. I was contemplating on agreeing or not.  "Alright" I said rolling my eyes. "Vee" he muttered. I felt like crying. Why are my emotions always in disorder any time I'm around him. "It's not what you think you know, the girl you saw me with is my ex girlfriend, I went for a swim and saw her around. She became hysterical and started crying and talking about how her parents were getting a divorce. I decided to console her and that's when she kissed me. I promise every thing happened so fast" he said with  lot of emotions. I didn't know wether to believe or not and all I did was to nod. I decided to walk and leave him behind.he pulled my hand causing me to face him."Vee, I didn't mean to hurt you or get you all upset, I'm sorry, can we give this thing between us a chance,I'm down for you babe" he said smiling. I mean I wanted to forgive him, but a part of me was still angry about what happened. "I want to try too you know" I said softly as I smiled. " Really?" He  replied  surprised. I just nodded as he drew me in for a hug. He smelt so clean and invigorating. A mixture of citrus and cherry. I inhaled his nice scent as I held him tightly. I couldn't help but notice the contentment in his eyes as he pulled away. He met my gaze and smiled
"Er, so we are kinda like official now?" he asked shyly."yes" I responded beaming with smile. "Am I interrupting something?" I heard someone say behind us.

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