The Rogues are back

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A/N: Hey guys, I've got 19 views, which is honestly, 19 more than I imagined. So, thank you. And here's another chapter.

Tony's POV:

To say that Peter hated the Rogue Avengers would be an understatement.

Ever since I made him my personal intern, Peter and I became very close. When he found out about Siberia and the fact that I have anxiety attacks because of it, Peter became very protective of me. He started spending weekends at the tower and staying longer on the weekdays just so that he could keep a closer eye on me.

Though Peter is the most adorable and pure-hearted human to exist on Earth, one would not want to hurt the people he loves because that would mean facing the wrath of Peter Parker.

When he found out about Siberia, the first thing he did was go to the training room. He broke 7 supposedly unbreakable vibranium punching bags. They were made because Rogers kept breaking the normal punching bags. But Rogers never managed to break the vibranium ones.

After almost two hours of pure rage in the training room, he came to me and calmly talked about it. He talked me out of even thinking about drinking my problems away. He's really helped with the anxiety attacks too. Peter, Pepper and Rhodey are the only people who can talk me out of my anxiety attacks. Even though Pepper and I were back together, she couldn't be around much because of her work as the CEO and Rhodey was a little busy trying to get used to the braces on his legs. So it was mostly Peter who was around for me during the anxiety attacks.

I told Peter when I started working on the Accords to free the Rogues. He did not understand why I would want to free them but he couldn't argue after I pointed out that he ran into the fire to save the Vulture but that does not mean he still didn't hate the Rogues.

So, here I am, after five months of working on the Accords, at a meeting with Ross and some other UN officials. I've been arguing with them for almost an hour already. Finally, Ross said, "Alright, Stark. We will make this work but on two conditions. First, the Rogues should be in house arrest for atleast three months unless there is a world ending threat which would need their immediate assistance. Second, I think that they should stay in the Stark tower during this house arrest."

"This is ridiculous! Why would I allow the people who almost killed me into my own home? Have you lost your mind?" I almost yelled.

Ross simply smirked and said, "Only option, Stark. Accept or the Rogues remain criminals."

I sighed and said, "Okay."

Now Ross looked shocked. He clearly did not think that I would accept the offer. I don't know if this was going to be worth it but seeing his face like that surely made me feel better about this decision. It is not like I have to let them into my living space. I'll just give them one of the residential floors and restrict access to the penthouse.

After Ross regained his composure, he said, "Okay, I'll contact them and tell them the news. They will be in the Tower tomorrow at noon."

As soon as he said that I stood up and said, "Alright. I'm leaving before you try to bore me with more of your babble. Bye." I left the meeting room and got into the private elevator and went to the penthouse. 

I was making myself a cup of coffee when the elevator opened to reveal Peter. As soon as he saw me he started, "Hey Tony. (Yes, I finally managed to make him start calling me Tony) You will not believe what happened yesterday on patrol. You know those kidnappings of children which were happening in Queens in the past three weeks? Well, of course you know. I've been talking about finding them since they started. Now, anyway, the point is I found their evil lair yesterday. I developed a program which would have Karen alert me if any demands for ransom was happening via calls in Queens and track the call and it actually worked. While I was on patrol yesterday Karen informed of a ransom call and gave me the location. I went there immediately to find all the 13 children who were kidnapped and a bunch of kidnappers, almost like 25-30 kidnappers. You would think they would atleast be a little hard to capture especially with all of them having guns and all, but no. Four web grenades and they were all captured. Those people didn't even know how to use their guns except for the leader, but I managed to dodge even his bullets. Thanks to Spidey Sense. The police came pretty much right after I finished because Karen had already informed them. So the kidnapping problem is solved and thankfully all the children are safe and have gone back home."

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