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vanessa was regretting sending the letter because if he actually received and read it then he might assume she's some crazy stalker fan and he'll never reply to her. hopefully he will find it enjoyable to read and maybe even cute? "oh who am i kidding. if i ever encounter a love letter like that then i'd be creeped out and throw it away" vanessa thought cringing to herself.

3 days later

"dylan honey! can you fetch the mail for me please? thanks sweetie." his mom asked politely. dylan did as he was told and put his black vans on to go outside. after he picked up the mail he looked through it, not expecting to see a letter addressed to him.

he hid the letter in his baggy sweatshirt pocket and handed the bills to his mother then ran upstairs to see who his letter was from. "who's vanessa bowen? woah this was sent from california? holy shit." dylan was very confused but eventually decided to open the letter.

as dylan was reading the letter he thought it was quite funny. he didn't think he would ever receive a love letter from someone, especially not from a fan. it made him feel good to know that someone in this world cares about him for himself and not just for his fame and money.

her kind words definitely made his day, sure it was a tad creepy but it was expected since she was a fan. it was cool to read that she was also his age. he was thinking of maybe replying back to vanessa but what would he say? 'hey thanks for your love confession i appreciate it?' fuck no. he thought about it for a while before deciding to write her back.

vanessa wondered if dylan has gotten the letter yet, i mean it has been three days already but she knows she shouldn't expect a reply because she'd just have false hope and that never ends well. she was stressing about this way too much and knew she should stop overthinking because the chance of him reading that letter is incredibly low.

to get her mind off of the letter, she grabbed her phone and texted her bestie.

contact names
vanessa- toyota mini van
lilia- big gay

toyota mini van 🚙💙
HEYYY SIMP wanna hang later?

big gay 🌈🌝
YESSIRRR where at? and who are you calling a simp??? you literally read fanfic of dylan kingwell ( x reader ) every five seconds and stalk his insta when you're not reading smhh DISAPPOINTMENT

toyota mini van  🚙💙
mine ofc and hey :((( ! i'm just a dedicated fan  

big gay 🌈🌝
mhm sure but kay ! love ya stupiddd

vanessa was eager to hangout with her best friend, she couldn't wait to tell her about the letter. she wasn't sure how she would react though. lilia knows she's obsessed with dylan, she'll probably call her an idiot for thinking he'll actually see the letter.

the doorbell rang and she opened the door for lilia. the two girls greeted eachother with hugs and sat on the couch to spill the tea. (a/n: that's so cringy lmfao sorry) "okay so lilia guess what." "what?" "I SENT A LETTER TO DYLAN KINGWELL" vanessa told lilia smiling. lilia didn't know how to respond so she just sighed.

"i- what did you tell him?" "... that i love him" vanessa confessed. "oh god. good luck getting a reply after him reading that." "fuck i knew it. it's too cringy ugh" vanessa was now stressing out because there's a possibility he's gonna read that and she can't take it back, it's too late.

lilia spoke in a comforting voice "hey ness it's fine. don't worry. i doubt he'll get it and if he does then it's not as embarrassing as you think!" while rubbing circles on her back. vanessa thought that maybe she should dm him again. maybe there's a better chance of him seeing that before the letter arrives if it hadn't already.

dylan thought it over the whole day whether he should reply to vanessa's letter or not. he had no idea what he would say though because he's never gotten a love letter before but he thought it would be a fun experience so he gave it a try.

dear vanessa bowen,
hi! i received your lovely letter and i appreciate all the time it took for you to write and decorate it. i enjoyed every bit of the letter and thought it was quite cute to be honest. no one has ever confessed their love for me through a letter and i mean yeah at first i thought it was a little weird but it's nice to know someone actually likes me that much. i don't really know what else to say but i wanted to respond to you to thank you for this letter. hope you have an amazing day !
sincerely, dylan kingwell <3

dylan finished the letter, put it in a nice and neat envelope then "got the mail for his mom" so he could put the letter in the outgoing mail slot to send to vansssa. before he slid the letter in he gave it a small quick peck for good luck. "vanessa bowen, i'll never forget that name..."

a/n: i think this is a good place to stop ! it was shorter than i expected but i want to leave it like this lmao but ty for the people who are reading this ! i appreciate it :) <3

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