Astraphobia |KairixMattia|

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short description: kairi finds out hes scared of thunderstorms

💞Astraphobia;the fear of thunder and lightning💞

*•.Third person.•*

kairi always found the fear of thunderstorms irrational. it didn't make sense to him.

he'd been around plenty of them through out his life. in fact he found them calming as a child.

but it was different today.

it started off  like anything usually did— slow.

the soft pitter patter of the rain hitting his window. it was peaceful actually.

like a gentle rhythm. like a song.
it lulled him to sleep like a lullaby.

but then the beat dropped.

the first clap of thunder scared him- he could admit that easily. he figured it was out of shock because he wasn't expecting it, especially not in the middle of sleeping like that.

the second time too.

but when the third and forth rounds of thunder boomed through his room and shook him to his core he knew it wasn't simply shock.

kairi sat on his bed, the storm just outside his window had him wide awake. he could feel in his chest how fiercely his heart was beating, it was almost like he could feel it touch his rib case.

his hands clutched his blankets against his chest and he waited for the thunder to sound again.

the lightning lit up his room for a moment and he looked at the group of boys huddled on his floor, drowning in blankets and warmth from eachothers bodies.

kairi was being a dick earlier in staying on his bed, he counted himself the lucky one, being the only one on an actual mattress while his friends lay on the hard ground but suddenly he grew envious.

they seemed so peaceful in their sleep, not at all aware of the terrible storm happening just outside the house.

he wanted nothing more than to leap down to his friends, cuddle them and feel safe in their presence.

they were close as is— yes. but they seemed so far away, he felt so alone as the thunder clapped in the background.

fuck me
he thought, knowing this was his own fault for trying to flex his comfortability.

the thunder took him from his thoughts and made him cower into his covers.

he didnt know what he was afraid of.

loud noises never really bothered him, but he'd never been more scared than he was now as the storm continued on.

was it just his drowsiness? maybe he was more sensitive to sounds because he was tired.

it could be the fear of something happening.

being struck by lightning had always been a fear of his.

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