A new school year

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Clay was upset and tears went down his cheek. Clay tied his tie wishing Hannah was still alive. Today was her funeral his heart was broken again. Bethany ran in his room and said "Clayie mommy said we have to get going." Clay looked at Bethany he wouldn't let anything happen to her. She was wearing a black dress but was smiling. Bethany was four and didn't understand what was happening. Clay knelt down and said "Tell mom and dad I'll drive us there ok." Bethany nodded and walked to her parents. Soon Clays phone started to vibrate. He frowned and pulled out the  cellphone from his pocket. Clay saw it was Tony and he frowned. 

Clay saw the text he frowned not wanting to talk about Hannah

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Clay saw the text he frowned not wanting to talk about Hannah. It was so hard to talk about it especially today. He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his car keys. Bethany waited by the car frowning. She knew something was wrong. Clay put on a fake smile and opened his car. Bethany got inside putting on her seatbelt. Their parents watched as Clay got in his car and left. He looked at Bethany noticing she was quiet. Clay said "Hey I know you don't understand but this girl was important to me." She looked at her brother he turned on the radio. Bethany saw a tape and picked it up she told him what about this tape? Clay saw it and told her no tapes only the radio ok.

Bethany saw they reached the cemetery. Clay pulled over and got out he saw Monty and the other jocks. Monty walked over and said "Hey Corey who knew we would all be here today." Bethany looked at the jocks thinking what a jerk. Monty knelt down and said "Is this your sister maybe she will want to hear all the stuff you did to our boy Bryce Walker!" Clay pulled Bethany behind him they smirked. Monty was about to hit Clay. Tony ran over and told them hey boys stop not in front of the girl! Were here for Hannah can we at least show some respect for my friend! Bethany was shocked as Monty told him watch it Tony let's go guys. Clay told him Tony I could of handled that. He told him really well this isn't the right time to do that now is it.

Tony knelt down and said "It's ok sweetie there's guys won't come back if they do I'll hurt them." Bethany looked at Clay and held his hand. Tony frowned and walked over to the service. Clay and Bethany sat down on the chairs. Soon a limo pulled up Zoey got out following her parents. Tears went down her cheek. She loved Hannah so much and looked up to her. Clay took Bethanys hand and they went up to the tomb. He picked up dirt and sprinkled it on the ground. She looked at Clay and put flowers down by Hannah. Justin looked at Clay and the others. Bryce walked over with Chloe and they watched. Justin was mad he didn't want Bryce there. After what he did to Hannah he didn't belong there.

Soon the funeral was over. Zoey watched as everyone left she saw Clay. He was dressed in a nice suit talking to a little girl. Bethany smiled at him laughing with another boy named Tony. Zoey watched them and wondered if that was Helmet. Since that's what Hannah would call him. They drove off Zoey went to her sisters tomb. Zoey said "Hey sis it's Zoey your twin sister I miss you." I wish we found out who did this to you but the court couldn't help you. She turned around seeing her parents. Zoey got up and ran over to her parents going in the car. She watched as they drove off. Zoey hated this town and that school. Her parents decided to give the school another try.

Years went by and everyone was getting ready. Clay got up and did his hair and got dressed. Bethany was down stairs nervous about school. She was eating breakfast. Bethany said "Clayie I'm worried about Preschool what if they hate me." Clay knelt down and told her that's school sis come on. She didn't feel better but Bethany knew her brother was still suffering. They got in his car and Clay drove off and took Bethany to school. She looked at Clay and went in the school. He got in his car and drove off thinking you can do this. Is just school maybe they fixed stuff. Clay pulled up to the school and got out. He locked the door and walked into the school.

Chloe walked into the school in her cheerleading outfit. She walked pass the jocks. Of course they stayed a way from her why. Because she was dating Bryce Walker. Bryce got up and went down stairs. He said"Man mom I have to go I'll be late for school bye." His dad told him son make sure I get to meet your girl. Bryce nodded and grabbed his keys. He got in his Jeep and drove off. Clay opened his locker and looked across. Hannah's locker was still there but this is a new year. Zoey was new to liberty high school she went to the front desk. They made sure to help her whatever she needed. Zoey knew it was because of the court case. She got her locker combination and locker number. Zoey turned it and couldn't open it. Bryce went up to Zoey he said"Sometimes these lockers get stuck there you go."

She smiled and told him thanks and who are you? He told her I'm Bryce Walker and who are you? Chloe was talking to the cheerleaders. She saw Bryce and walked over standing by him. Zoey told him I'm Zoey and yes I'm Hannah's twin sister. Bryce looked at Zoey up and down. He said"Your really cute I'm having a party tonight you should bring Clay." Zoey told him I'm going to try text me your address?" She saw Clay and walked over to him. Bryce smirked and texted Zoey his address. Chloe followed Bryce to the other jocks.

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