A party

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Zoey smiles seeing Clay she told him hey Helmet. Clay had his locker open and turned around. He looked at Zoey and dropped his books. Clay was shocked how much this girl looked like Hannah. He told her um Hannah no your dead how are you alive? Zoey looked at Clay seeing the look on his face. She told him oh did I say it wrong? He told her no it's right is this real or some kind of joke. Zoey frowned and said"Yes this is real why would I be fake." She finally realized why Clay was acting this way. Zoey told him oh sorry I just realized that you were dating her. Clay shook his head and told her are you Hannah's twin? She told him I'm Zoey Hannah's twin so yes your right. Zoey picked up Clays books. She told him I'm sorry if I hurt you. He told her no it's ok nice to meet you.

Clay smiles Zoey said"Its nice to meet you too

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Clay smiles Zoey said"Its nice to meet you too." Um would you come to Bryce party he invited me and I don't want to go alone." He heard Zoey saying going to Bryce party. Clay told her Ehmm... Okay yeah sure. He nods Clay wouldn't let anything happen to Zoey. She walked a way and went outside. Zoey pulled out a book and started reading it. Monty and the jocks saw Zoey and smirked. Chloe ran to the field in her cheerleading outfit. Bryce looked over seeing the jocks. Chloe said "Hey girls so let's warm up for the team." The girls nodded and danced and did some flips. Zoey watched as Monty pulled a cheerleader to him. The other jocks were talking to the cheerleaders. Bryce smirked and kissed Chloe telling her nice cheer babe. She kissed him back and told him thanks so see you at the party. Chloe walked off and looked at Zoey. The other girls started whispering and laughing. Zoey frowned and picked up her backpack she watched the jocks leave. She ran in the school and texted Clay should we go to the party now. He walked over to Zoey and told her yeah let's go. She got in Clays car and he drove off smiling. Zoey saw some tapes on the ground and told him what are these tapes for? Clay told her oh those belong to my friend Tony.

 Zoey saw some tapes on the ground and told him what are these tapes for? Clay told her oh those belong to my friend Tony

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Zoey nodded and looked out the window soon they arrived at the Walkers house. There was a lot of cars everywhere and you could hear loud music playing. Clay and Zoey got out he locked his car. She opened the door walking inside amazed. Zoey saw teenagers dancing with boys and drinking. She saw Clay come inside Zoey said "Who are all these people?" Clay told her I don't know all these people but their all from Liberty. He said "Some of these people are morons so stay close to me." Zoey nodded and kept walking she was thinking about Bryce. She told him Clay would you describe Bryce for me is he dating material?

Clay stopped and told her no he's not. Zoey looked at him and told Clay why he looked at her. Clay said"Your sister had big issues with him that's why I said stay close to me." She froze and told Clay he is the Bryce? He told her yeah I couldn't let you go here alone. Bryce and Chloe were dancing Zoey pushed Bryce. She said "How dare you assault my sister!" Everyone got quiet Chloe looked at Bryce. Monty went over there with the other jocks. Bryce told her what I didn't hurt your sister that's a lie. She told him yea sure so you didn't assault her in the hot tub. You just let it happen I know my sister she was broken. Zoey slapped Bryce walking a way. Chloe crossed her arms upset as everyone was staring. She walked over to Clay. Zoey told him did I do something wrong?

Clay looked at Zoey and told her you mean right now? She said "Yeah you said stay close to me and I slapped him." Clay told her no I'm not mad at you. But maybe we should leave this party?" Zoey told him maybe, I first want to say sorry. Bryce kissed Chloe and told her he had something to do. Chloe went outside and Bryce went upstairs to his room. Clay watched as Zoey went up the stairs. She looked around and said Bryce. He herd Zoey and told her I'm in my room Zoey. Zoey walked in Bryce room and told him hey sorry about that, I'm kind of drunk I guess. Bryce smirked telling her really come over here. She walked over to him. Zoey starts to laughing saying what. Bryce gets up and kissed her he closed and locked his door. She pushed him saying you have a girlfriend. Bryce told her so come on we're just having fun.

Zoey told him I don't know if I want this Bryce. He looked at her she told him you did it with Hannah right? Bryce told her yeah but she wanted it just like you do. Zoey said "It's werid because we're twins." Bryce ignored her and kissed her some more. Chloe saw Clay waited outside she walked over. She said "Hi Clay have you seen Bryce?" Clay told her no Chloe told him hey where is Zoey? She told him well tell Bryce I had to go somewhere bye Clay. He wondered where was Zoey it's been a long time. Bryce whispered that was fun Zoey. He got up and left the room. Zoey got up crying she went down stairs not feeling so good. She bumped into people Monty saw her and laughed.

Zoey went outside she walked up to Clay saying we need to go now. Clay sees Zoey and how she is acting. He was worried and said "What happened ?" She told him Bryce. Clay told her did he hurt you. She said"Bryce hasn't changed he's doing it all over again." Clay started getting mad and told her what! You mean he ra you? She wiped her tears a way and looked down nodding her head yes. Clay told her I'm gonna kill him when I see him. He told her I can take you to my house, or I can take you to your house and stay with you. Zoey told him I don't think my parents want to hear about Bryce again. She told him let's go to yours.

Clay nodded and holds her hand gently as they go to his car. Zoey kissed his cheek saying thanks. He told her no problem I'll help you ok. Clay opened his door for her and then got inside too. Zoey got in the car and said "I like your car." Clay looked at her telling her thanks. He drove off Zoey was looking out the window. Clay told her I'll protect you don't worry she told him thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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