The Apology

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Diamond POV: "Does he hate me now? What did I do wrong? He's probably at a meeting or has something to do with team Ice Cube. Though he could be doing all that, maybe he just wasn't ready." 

It's fine with me because I know I'm not exactly an angel. A couple of years ago I was talking to firey and lets just say Gelatin was with him. He's probably just needing time to himself. I mean, I've had a crush on him since I was in 8th grade, now I'm 24. I just wonder why I haven't confessed my feelings to him? 

Well, Yoyel City is where my sisters and I popped out of, I'll head over there.

As I head over to yoyel city I notice something in the bushes. I didn't see their faces but I saw a rectangle, a circle, two sticks, a cube, and something that looks like me. I immediately knew who it was.


Gelatin POV: "Oh man, Donut, help me out bud. I fricked up."

"Yes, you did my friend. Do you want to reschedule?"

"I don't even know if she'll accept."

"What are you talking abo- oh. Oh, oh OH! Your planning to marry her?!"

Donut POV: I knew that the guy had something for her, but not that far. I'm not even sure she'll accept too! I mean, She's put down some signs for the guy, but I can hardly understand what she lays down. So I guess there's only one way to this, Gelatin has to get to her.

"Jelly, you have to listen to me. So stop the waterworks, and listen, please. You need to get to her and propose to her, understand?"

The guy listens for a minute.

"Donut, you have to understand that I can't go alone, I'm too scared.

"All right fine we can find her with me."

"Thanks, bud."

"We can do this, together."

Ruby POV: "Yes, we are going together!" I screamed as I pounced onto Diamond

Freesmart and I were tracking down Diamond with our 'Diamond Detector'. I know it's not okay to stalk your sister, but this is a date, a full-on date! I've never seen any of my sisters go on a date. (Mainly because they're in Elementary to High school. I'm in high school. I'm a senior!) But Diamond on a date?? I've never seen that before! Sure she hung out with other guys, but the other sisters decided to go on a freaking killing spree! So I guess they're okay with Jelly being around.

"Ruby how did you escape from the house?? I thought I Child locked that thing!"

"Do you even know what ObjectStream is?"

"Ugh, can you guys just leave me alone. Or at the least, Ruby can stay. Everyone, please leave."

You guys need to trust me when you do not want to know how Diamond is when she is angry. She becomes a demon monster and kills everyone in sight! So satisfying! Watching all my enemies burn, SO FUN!

So as I said, almost everyone knows how Diamond gets her way, ergo, they leave (except me!).

"Ruby your so, like, lucky that she's your sister. We never get to do epic things like this because of your dumb sister!" Match exclaimed

I looked over in shock. Diamond was about to burst with that demon-like power

"I hope you can APOLOGIZE before I RIP That nice little MATCH TIP off your HEAD."

"Goyize, I think you need to stop beforr you moik her oaingery." Bubs said

"I agree, you guys should stop," book supported

"Yeah! I don't want to melt!" Ice cube worried

"Just shut up and get in the van! Ruby, your now a bember now. If we see her again you'll be kicked off!"

They drove off while me and Diamond started to dash to Yoyel before dark.

After 30 minutes of running, we finally made it back to Yoyel City.

"What now?" I asked

"I'll go ahead and tell gelatin to come here."

"Don't you think he won't want you?"

"He was probably busy with something." Diamond answered.

Diamond POV: Maybe Ruby is right, what if he doesn't love me? What am I doing then?

No, I need to stay positive. I just hope he'll love this gemstone.

Maybe not though

Word count: 685 (good god this is a lot)

I might post the next chapter hopefully within an hour or two.

If not, then I'm in bed, cya till then.

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