it's all sour

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it's all sour

You stepped out into the hallway, grabbing the paper from your pocket, unfolding it and looking it over. According to the map, you were on the fourth floor, which seemed a lot more condensed when it came to the number of rooms occupying it. In fact... you couldn't help shift the paper in various directions, holding it up to the ceiling, then down to the ground, squinting at the different lines that intersected with one another to form a jumbled mess of rooms colliding into each other.

This... this was not how you remembered the school's layout at all. Sure, maybe you could have just forgotten it, because of all the head trauma you've suffered today, but this–it–physics! Physics does not work like this!

"When the hell did we get a laboratory installed? And, what the–?" you did a double take, "Is that a fucking underground cave?"

"... it looks messed up, and gunked up, and funked up every which way!"

Miss Library's description seemed to make a lot more sense now. She hadn't just been talking about the spirits scattered around the school, she was talking about the entire building.

God, this was going to suck.

You sighed, refolding the map and tucking it back in your pocket, "Okay, baby steps," you muttered, starting your walk to the only other room on this floor, "I'll check the principal's office first, then I'll go down to the third floor."

The room was surprisingly nice, reminding you more of a living room, than an office. Two dark blue couches sat across from each other in the middle of the room, while a small coffee table sat between them. A vase of intricately placed roses sat in the center.

The principal's desk was surprisingly organized, with files stacked neatly over large, thick books. One of the books had been left open, with a pen sitting snugly in the spine, marking the page in case it were to suddenly close.

You glanced down at the pages, finding, what you assumed to be, a single diary entry.

3/23/XX — Cloudy

Someone lost the emergency exit key. I've narrowed it down to somewhere in the office. Hopefully I'll be able to find it soon.

Well, you turned to glance around the room, I guess I'll start with the couches first...

Several minutes had passed by, while you pulled off the cushions and dug through the crevices of both couches in search of the key. All you managed to find was a few buttons, paper clips, and the occasional penny that you were quick to discard on the coffee table.

"Okay..." you sighed, standing up and moving to search the small bookshelf behind the desk, looking under various knicknacks and framed photos that cluttered it. You even went as far as to dig through the principal's desk, seeing if the key might have been misplaced in a drawer.

Still nothing...

"Where else could it be?" you muttered, gaze catching the vase sitting on the coffee table from the corner of your eye.

The very idea of the principal (or anyone, really) losing his keys in a flower vase was absurd, even a little amusing, but given the state the school was currently in, it very well might be a possibility. So, you shuffled over to said item, glancing down, between the flowers. Something shined under the thin layer of water.

You smiled, moving to pick up the vase.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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