Chapter 3

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Ozzy Azusa pov
"UP UP UP! Goooood morning ultimates! Please report to the gym as a body has been discovered!"

"what?! A body?!" I whispered sharpley under my breath. Then one of the scariest thought popped into my head, did someone die..? No, That would be stupid! Right..? As I walked up the hall Wantabe-Chan pulled up right next to me.

"Welll hey! Look who it is! Ozzy-Chan" I cut him off by saying "who said You could call me that! Jerk" I said running off. "Sorry- shorty" he said as he cackled. ugh! When will everyone forget about my height it sucks! Who cares if I am 4'6!

I got to the gym safely then noticed a student was missing toi-Chan when I was running away last night from tanka-Chan I saw her scurry into her room with a sketchbook in hand. It was very quiet until yui-Chan looked around and noticed the missing Student "HEY! Where did that girl to, tio, uh- oh yeah! Toi-Chan go?" Yui-Chan yelled. Being cut off by a certain voice...

"Ahhh! So someone noticed that toi-Chan is missing! Such a smart little gremlin!" Monokuma yelled with a raspy voice. "A WHAT YOU JERK LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT A GREMIL CAN DO! HOW ABOUT THAT??" Yui- Chan yelled.

"I really don't know if that is a" I get cut off by yui-Chan running towards Monokuma fist in hand. "O-w!" Yui squeaked backing up. "Well you see kids when someone try's to hurt me I use self defense! So I am unstoppable!!" Monokuma cackled.

Tanka ran over to yui. While yui was all over the place, she was crying, and then yelling how it was our falut. I walked over feeling bad, so I took her hand that had been injured and started pulling out the spikes. They looked like cactus spikes so they weren't that bad.

I tryed helping but everytime tanka and the others looked away she would punch me! "S-stop p-lease I am t-trying to hel-p" I said through tears. Elijah-cun noticed I was crying, "hey u good bro?" He spoke in a calm toon.

"Yeah!" I said in a way too happy tone quickly wiping away my tears. Eli-cun just sat there with a sympathetic look on his face. "I said I'm fine" I spoke softly with a small smile. "Ahem?! I am still here!" Monokuma said with a angery look in his face.

"Anyway toi-Chan is dead, don't believe me? Take a look for your self, room 409. Gather all the evidence you can to find the killer among you all. If you guess wrong you all die, well except for the killer of course!" monokuma said in a very happy tone that scared the living crap out of me.

Among us! So the killer is in the room- omg- omg- I cant breath no- no! I started to panic and I fell to the floor balling my eyes out. In a raspy sad tone I said "I will find the killer for my friends!" tanka-Chan helped me up with a smile.

Miu-Chan looked sad for a moment but when she noticed I was looking at her she did her evil smerk again. It made me shutter and look away. Well I guess it's time to look for evidence. Here we go...

authors note

Unfortunately I don't think The other Author wants to do this Anymore. So the editing will suck! :( sorry!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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