Life Restart!

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Your character has died. Finished the Bad Ending. Everything went wrong. But now they're back where it all started, time-traveled back to before it all went wrong. How will they change things?

1. Decide your Character.
-The true MC?
-One of their Friends?
-Their Enemy?

2. Decide on how they come back.
-is it unknown?
-did they use a device?
-did they wish for it?

3. How did everything go wrong?
-who was unhappy?
-who betrayed them?
-who died?
-remember Murphy's Law. "Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong, at the worst possible time."

4. When did they go back to?
-A defining moment?
-right before their life was changed?
-the moment they made their worst mistake?

5. The person you are now is different from the person you were back then.
-How does your character act differently?
-who notices the differences?

6. Will they tell anyone?
-will anyone believe them if they do?

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