winner takes ALL

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Now it was time for the speed round. Tom Bergeron knew if he didn't bring the absolute best that he was going to lose. Without choice,Tom ran up to the center stage and punched a hole through one of the TVs and produced a VHS. Tom's hand was bleeding and for the first time,the stoic cameraman broke form. Otis goes "OMG TOOOM ARE YOU OK!!!????" Tom looked back at the audience and said "It isn't over till the fat lady sings and NONE OF US ARE LADIES." This made Otis' heart flutters at this statement. Tom Bergeron threw the VHS but since he wasn't aiming at anything it struck one of the audience members and landed on the floor with the typical tack sounds a tape like that would make hitting the ground like that. When the video played it was of a toddler with Tom's face plastered over it. The toddler was struck with a plastic baseball bat and fell over. As the kid was struck, the picture of Tom was changed to reflect pain. The camera panned back to Tom as tom said "Quality over quantity right pig? The crowd collectively oohed pig." Pig smugly said "That was all you baby." Pig said "Well before we vote for who shall run the show i have one last video." Tom was surprised all the videos they saw were all the ones he saw which meant pig was hiding one. What video could that naughty nasty pig have? The screen turned to static the static gave form to a video. Pig was standing in the barn he did a normal backflip with no catch. Tom was relieved. But then the video showed Otis kicking Pig into a cart as it rolled down the hill it was stopped by a rock. The rock then flung pig into the pond but he skipped across the water like a stone just because he was going that fast. Pig finally crashed into a tree and struggled to get up and then performed one..... last.........backflip. The video ended but the laughter didn't they just kept on laughing. Even though it was directed at the video Tom Bergeron couldn't help but think they were laughing at him. And then the moment has arrived who will be the one staying. Tom glanced over the audience nervously as they voted. The verdict was in and as Tom and pig stood shoulder to shoulder both were sweating but for different reasons. Then the verdict bellowed out "AND THE WINNER IS PEEIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGG." Tom went pale and passed out. Out of the crowd there was a scream it was Otis he ran in "PIG YOU WERE TOO ROUGH WITH HIM. YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULDN'T HURT HIM TOO BAD BUT LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HIM?!?!?!?! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU PIG WE ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS. YOU KNEW I LOVED HIM!!!!!" Otis picked up Tom and both escaped unharmed and the new host of AFV was Pig. A week went by before Tom woke up and when he did he was being cradled by Otis and fed fresh milk. Tom simply sat there and enjoyed his milk before speaking "Why did you save me Otis i thought we were enemies?" Otis said "we were never enemies but we could be more if you would like Tom?" Tom didn't hate the idea but he would need some convincing. Tom Spoke "But Otis how am I going to support each other I am no longer the hit tv show host for the hit American tv show AFV? Otis smiled "Tom i think i have an idea that can help us both." Otis leaned in and whispered into Tom's ear making him blush bright red. They now had a plan they only needed to make it a reality. They would spend the next ten weeks preparing their new show and have a honeymoon.

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