Part 1 The arising of howl

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Once up on a time ...
                     Clearing in a horrific forest howler found a cave which is full of dark and crawling creatures he entered there and says hii ! My name is howler and my nick name is Howl! Howl! Howl! He said that word three times and a"( lizard like creature about 6 feet long and he had spikes on his back with a long tail and he donot have eyes he recognises a person with its smell and it's sound of breathing.He seems to be very horrific with his long cannins out of his mouth ")and howler saw it and tried to run out of the cave and with his running sound the howl ( the creature) jumped on it with in a blink of eyes and tears its face with its long cannines and separates its body into two pieces with its long nails and suck it's whole blood that gives its energy and after that where howl has gone?" no one knows "
After 300 years in 2016 ,
Josh and maleiden are collage friends they are living together
Josh - Hey, may(maleiden) see what is written in newspaper .
May - yes I thought that on Facebook also there is a horrific forest named as the bush man forest in South California a explorer gone there and he has died with in one day .
Josh - ya ,I think that something wrong is there we should go and explore there.
May - yes I also want to know that what is there that is killing the people and why that jungle is called as the "jungle of death".
Josh - ok , let me ask from lubin and then we will go together
May - ya , we should also take him as he is an experienced explorer .
          ( Josh calling to lubin )
Josh - hii ! Lubin , I want to discuss something with you
Lubin - yes Josh please you can .
Josh - you know about the jungle .
Lubin - yes I know
Josh - would you like to go with us there
Lubin - no i am not going there because I donot want to die
          ( Lubin cut the phone )

Writer - hii friends now the time has come for the arrival of the howl so please be continue reading the story .

   Now the situation is that lubin is not agree to go with them so Josh and may are also not going so now let's see how Josh and may tends to go in that jungle on there choice please be continue with us.

We will see the remaining in the second part that how Josh and may tends to go into the jungle and the arrival of howl Infront of them and in the next part someone is going to die
So to know who is going to die please read the second part
                               Be continued ...........

The call of death Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang