Please Read m8

546 8 5

Hello, so dis is my second story (technically)...therefore it does and will suck.
Um so, this is a fanfiction and Dabi and Hawks. I will be using the Dabi is Touya Todoroki "conspiracy". 

SUMMARY (yay):

Hawks and Dabi have a secret relationship (dnn dnn daa!). They do typical shit like, live in the same house, fuck- One day while on patrols Hawks sees something in the back of an alleyway. Being the idiot he is- I mean, being the HERO he is he goes to take a peek. He sees a beautiful blond woman, dead. Before he can even attempt to report it (among us?), the ground sways beneath his feet and he wakes in an unfamiliar area.

A Few Disclaimers:

1. I'm lazy so I honestly don't know how often I will post a chapter

2. This is going to be very gay

3. Definitely have some strong fucking language

4. I suck at spelling

5. I will probably add sarcastic jokes in parenthesis because to hell with it

6. Grammar

7. Did I say this was going to be gay?

That's all I hope you enjoy me writing weird fanfics at 3 in the morning (It's currently 4:41 but I chose 3 cuz why not)

Word Count: 255

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