chapter 11

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I completely forgot who is alive when so lets just say hawlfrost is already dead and the killing firestar thingy already happened
Spottedleaf padded next to her new companion. "So how do we start this fire?" Ashfur asked
"Starclan can control the weather" spottedleaf replied then closed her eyes. Suddenly lighting crashed, setting a bush aflame. The fire started to spread. Spottedleaf smiled happily.
"We should get out of here" ashfur said huridly. At the top of the steep slope jayfeather fell down when he was a kit, the three and squirelflight were cowering behind some flames.

ashfur stood on the log squirelflight found. spottedleaf walked between the flames to watch. she was a ghost so no flames could hurt her. the black she-cat, hollyleaf, looked towards her and spottedleaf knew she had to go before she got recongnised. the she-cat blinked so spottedleaf found her moment to dissapear.

''did the information get out?'' brokenstar asked her when she got to the dark forest that night. spottedleaf nodded.
"What now?"
"We wait"
Sorry this chapter is short. I kind of lost intrest in warrior cats for a while (i thought that would never happen but i think it will happen to everyone at some point) dont worry, ill still continue but not as often because school is overloading with homework recently

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