Three new characters appear? In one chapter? Crazy.

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You were out in the woods that nobody went to because of how dark it was and all the wild animals that lived there, the soft tall grass brushed against your legs and made you giggle, It was windy today, and the tree's leaves were blowing everywhere as the river not too far from here was still flowing without a problem.

You liked it here because you could be alone, well minus the animals, but you soon realized that if you didn't bother them, they didn't bother you. Error had gone out to go destroy some au's most likely, and you were here to try and train your magic.

Small problem, you didn't exactly know how to do that. You were just trying to make monsters in one of the multiple pocket windows you had open to see you; it was very exhausting to keep those pocket windows open because of how many were open, but you gotta train somehow!

You played with the idea that if you trained enough, you could open portals like Error or Ink but quickly discarded the idea, you probably couldn't if you tried, which you would, but you seriously doubted you could.

As you said, you had multiple pocket windows open, it took a lot of concentration to keep them all open, even more, to try and go beyond just being a spectator. Still, you were trying, you had your eyes closed to concentrate until you heard a "Hello there!"

You nearly closed all your pocket windows as you flinched at the voice, you looked around to find Ink next to your pocket window, you rushed over to him, "Hello? Can you hear me?" You asked, "Loud and clear!" Ink said with a smile as you returned it with a small smile of your own.

"Hiya Ink! I'm y/n!" You said, and Ink looked at you with confusion, "How do you know my name?" He asked, "Well, I'm a mage, and I can look into au's, so as creepy as it sounds, I've been watching you and other sanses for years now, but only recently my powers have gotten strong enough for me to interact with you guys." You explained.

"Mages can do that? You must be a very powerful one." Ink stated, and you nodded your head, "Error told me he can't find my au because of how unique it is." You told him and shit you shouldn't have said that. "You met Error? And you're still alive?" He asked, and you nodded.

"Like I said, he can't get to me, and my little pocket windows are like a brick wall, he can't come through them." You told him, "Huh." Was all he said in response, "Yeah, I know you don't like him destroying au's; I don't really either, but I can understand it. Not that I could do anything if I wanted to." You said.

"Well, if you could do something to stop Error, would you?" Ink questioned and damn Ink way to put someone on the spot. "Well... No, I don't think I would because unless he tries to kill the au or me, I'm living in I don't think I'd actively go against to fight him like you." You started, "Maybe that's selfish, but it's the truth, and Error isn't such a bad guy, y' know? Well, despite the destruction of au's and all..." You finished, and Ink looked thoughtful.

"No, I don't think that's selfish, and I get where you're coming from, even if I don't necessarily understand it." Ink told you to which you beamed, "Thanks, Ink, I was afraid you'd like, hate me or something for liking your mortal enemy." You only half-joked, Ink chuckled, "Nah, I can see that you're good, I just hope Error doesn't try to destroy your au..." Ink said, trailing off in thought.

"Well, Error doesn't seem to hate me, so I'd say I'm in the clear." You said, "Error? Not hating anybody? I don't believe it." Ink joked, and you chuckled in response. "I know, right? I can hardly believe it myself." You replied.

Ink just had a small smile on his skull, "Yeah, but you were probably doing something, I don't wanna bother you any longer." You said, waving goodbye, "Yeah, but we have to talk again, Y/n! I do want to know more about you." Ink said to which you nodded, "Definitely." You said, closing the pocket window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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