
14 1 2

             I don't know why people say that being alone is peaceful; I have been alone for a couple hundred years. I hate the silence; would love to hear someone else's voice. The animals are good friends but I miss the humans. When ever they see me they scream, back when there were a lot of us we lived in peace. Then they turned on us, all the creatures that weren't human. The poor unicorns they were hunted to extinction for their horns. Everyone is in hiding, I will see a elf or a fairy every so often but they too might have been hunted down as well.

         I have gone into the near by village but they saw my horns and ran. All the animals come to me if hurt, I hoard books so I know how to help them. And I will sneak into the village and get medicines for them. But I have to accept this reality, I guess. 

       I need food and spread my wings. I get up and walk to the ledge, I transform. The wind in my wings feel amazing, it has been a while since I could stretch them. As I fly the trees bend from the wind my wing cause. The lake is in view; I can catch some fish for food there...  

Shinso's POV~

 Shit!  I need to lose them! How did I get separated from the others? Maybe if I take a turn... here! 

"Damn cat!" One of them says as he trips over a tree root; at that a smirk appears on my face as I look back but then wince at the pain in my shoulder. As I look back in front I see a clearing with a lake, maybe there will be a place to hide there. The trees part and the light blinds me temporarily. "Get back here!" When I get my sight back I see a huge dragon. And now starts the debate of getting killed by these men or eaten by a dragon. Well they will make my death slow and painful but the dragon will make it faster; dragon it is. I run towards the dragon, the men follow.

(Y/N) POV~

     I have been here for a few hours and got a lot of fish; I can go and eat- but then I hear yelling and foot steps there seems to be five pairs of them. Have they found me I knew I should have shifted in to my half form.I turn and prepare to fight, The first person emerges from the tree line, a cat person? What are they doing all the way out here? The other four people emerge and then I realize what is happening, they are hunting them! I can turn my back on someone in need, as the others approach, a loud roar erupts from my throat. The four men run back into the forest faster then they came. I turn my attention back to the cat person. They wince with pain and collapse probably from the pain. 'I need to take him back to the cave' I think. My wings start to take off as I grab the cat person with my front legs. 'Hang on,I will help' 

    Finally I land and shift holding the cat person, but almost fall under their weight. After setting them down I can see the arrow in there shoulder. I take the arrow out and patch it up and lay them down. They look interesting; purple hair, dark bags under the eyes and lavender eyes. The hair looks really fluffy, I need permission to touch it, but just a little pet wouldn't hurt. I reach out to touch their hair and their ears twitch. I recoil but then reach out once again, as I pet them their tail moves. It is very cute; hopefully they wake up soon...

Shinso's POV~ 

 The sun hits my eyes, this doesn't feel like the ground, it feels soft like a bed. Quickly I open my eyes, a roof of a cave comes into view. I panic and sit up, only to see a dragon! Maybe I can sneak pass them, but it is too close to the entrance. Hmm if I were to climb on it but then it would wake up- then the dragon moves and lifts it's head. 

"Shitshitshitshit!" I chant as I run back until I hit the back of the cave. The dragon walks toward me then stops, almost like it had a thought. Then there is a flash of light, I shield my eyes and when I look back there is a person? Are they like kirisima? Hmm that raises a lot of questions but I can't question it now. This is weird...

(Y/N) POV~

    I see the fear on their face and try to explain but realize that  they can't understand me. Quickly I shift to my half form which was easier to communicate with different species. 

"Hey don't freak out" I said calmly, and then he started screaming...


Hi.... so I got my computer taken... away so here it is! Thanks for reading, sorry if it is a bit short but see you in the next chapter. - The Awkward Author 

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