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   It has been a has been a couple days since Shinso woke up. We have settled into a routine, I would hunt in the morning before He would get up. I would cook some of the meat for him since he could not really move his arm. It was pretty quiet for that time; we bonded over books and he told me stories about where he had been and what he had seen.  

   To be honest, I wished Shinso could stay, but soon he will need to find his friends. Maybe I should ask around the village. I can hide my horns and tail a lot better then when I last tried. We should talk this over, walking over, he looks up at me.

"Hey, Shinso?" I asked, sitting down in front of him with my legs crossed. He sat up and gave me his attention. 

"Yeah, what is going on?" Shinso answered.

"Your arm is going to be fully healed soon and I know you want to find your friends. So,I would like to find them for you." I explained myself, secretly hoping he would reject the idea. Pushing that feeling far away, I gave him my full attention.

"Really? You would help me even more then you already had? You really don't have to." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"I would really like to help, I can almost fully change into a human. In that form my tail is gone and my horns barely poke out. My hair covers them up well. So I can go into town and ask around for anyone who looks like them." I say, I need to push him away before I get too attached. He contemplated this for a couple minutes. Before agreeing to it and thanking me for everything I have done to help him. I get up and walk over one of the book shelves and took one of the books. After reciting one of the many spells in the old, leather bound book, I felt my tail and horns shrinking. My scales and spikes faded into my skin.

"Wow, does that hurt at all?" Shinso asked a little glint of amazement crossed his face.

"No, just a little weird and kind of tense around the certain areas." I answered with a smile on my face. " I will take my leave and try to find your friends." With new resolve I walk out of the mouth of the cave. My feet run of their own will down the mountain. 'Maybe if I don't find them, he won't leave. No', I put that thought away. I need to find them.


    "Come on, we need to go fight this dragon!" The blond says with a growl. The others a few steps behind him. They have  been climbing this mountain for 30 minutes and were getting tired.

"Slow down Bakugo." The red head replies in between breaths. Bakugo scoffs at him, crosses his arms and walks further up the mountain. The green haired boy  matches pace with him. Soon they break into a sprint, the Brunette glares at them.

"Not now! we need to find Shinso!" She yells at them. 

"It's okay, Uraraka!" The green haired boy yells back. Looking back at the goal of getting to the cave first.  "Really Midoriya." The bi- colored haired boy mutters. The red head puts his hand on his shoulder, "it will be fine todoroki!" He says with a wide grin. He could always put every one at ease. 

"Thanks, Kirishima." He replies with a small smile.  

      Finally the cave comes into view; Bakugo was the last one on the ledge connected to the mouth of the cave; upset at the loss of the race. But pushed past every one to enter the cave. The mouth of the cave gave way to a large cavern, The walls were filled with books and other small items. Near the back right of the cave was a large nest, it was composed of leaves and sticks. beside it was a smaller nest of the same materials.  

"Come on dragon! Fight me!" Bakugo challenged. The others came in quickly, to either fight the dragon or stop Bakugo, they could not tell at this point. Then a small groan came from the small nest. Shinso sat up, wondering who came into the cave. 

"Shinso!" Midoriya whisper-yelled and ran over to him. The others followed suit and crowded him.

"What are you doing here?" Shinso replied, " You can't just waltz into a dragon's nest like this!" Before any explanation could be given there has a voice from the mouth of the cave. 

"Who are you" the voice said with a growl.


Whee cliff hanger! it has been a while, any way see you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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