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Melody Wilson - A 16-year old sophomore that gets straight A's every semester. Melody likes to keep her emotions to her self, this includes opinions too. She is very quiet at school and sometimes at home. She is Black and Indian, and of course, is very wealthy. She may be the loner at school but she was beautiful and very attractive. 

Jeremy Massarotto- 16.5-year-old boy sophomore, he is the class clown. He also makes terrible grades but still proceeds to pass. He is manipulative, unreasonable, but also throughout the story he grows a soft spot for Melody. He is originally from the UK but moved. He lives with his rich single father who loves him a lot. Did I mention Jeremy is pretty handsome?

Molly Richerds- 16 years old sophomore, she is pretty popular. she is very kind and nice to everyone. She hangs out with a typical high school mean girl group and is very social. She isn't rich like the other people at her school but she does make her lifestyle interesting. Molly goes through a lot with her Abusive father and her typical jock boyfriend. Her actual first love is Melody. Molly is a beautiful redhead girl who loves the artist "Girl in red". 

Crissy Fern- A typical mean preppy girl that goes out with almost all the jocks. Molly is apart of her friend group and she is in a secret relationship with Mollys Boyfriend. Crissy is fake, rich, pretty, rude, and not so educated. She is a spoiled brat and only thinks about her self. Melody and she never got along though out elementary.

Jordan Stevens- Molly's boyfriend, he flunked sophomore year. everyone thinks he's hot just because he plays football, he's stupid extremely stupid. Jeremy hates him because he tries to be funny and relatable but he's really not. He is also secretly with Crissy, and he is good looking but a dick.

James Wilson- Melody's father, he is awfully rich, he is a heart surgeon, fun type of dad. James is African American, he loves his wife to DEATH, and also Melody. He only wanted one kid which is why they had Melody only and he tries to get Melody to hang out outside so she can make friends but instead, he takes her out to get boba. He also LOVES his wife's mother's Indian food.

Amaira Wilson- Melody's mother, she is beautiful, she is a well known Indian beauty blogger and she has amazing skin! She sometimes models but that's rare and she is very outgoing! she loves her daughter and hopes her daughter finds someone to have memories with and that's what she really wants. She works at home and takes care of her mother that's lives with them and always have daughter and mother bonding. She likes to take Melody shopping a lot and she loves Melody a lot, she sometimes cries at the side of Melody's bed because she doesn't know whats going on with Melody and wishes her daughter was more open.

George Massarotto- Jeremy's father, he loves Jeremy a lot because of what Jeremy goes through because of him. So they settled in the US so they can get their priority right. George is an EXTREMELY successful detective and gets almost all the homicides in Arizona passed on to him. Although he could be something better than a detective but choose not too. Just like Jeremy, he is a jokester and his Motto is to "always enjoy your life before it's too late." George may say that but when it comes to Jeremy wanting to check out some of his dangerous work it's a big NO-NO

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