Chapter 4

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*I got out of the car and saw the range on the parking spot. Jaden was home...
I knocked on the door and there it was.*

I felt a knot in my stomage and freezed. Jaden was sitting in the couch with his parents. "Hey what took you so long, we've been waiting for like an hour" said Mac. "Yeah I-I got a little late in the d-date" I said still frozen. "Well come in" said Mac hugging me.

"JADENNNN, LOOK WHO'S HERE" screamed Mac. He came running. He froze when he saw me just like me. I felt the knot on my stomage. I could move. I felt trapped. "Y/N" he said with a soft voice. Wow I haven't heard him say my name since New Year's Eve two years ago. "Jaden" I said looking straight at his eyes. I could see he was happy, but he looked nervous.

"I've missed you so much" he said coming to hug me. I hugged him immediately. I felt like there was nothing around us. He hugged me strong. I hugged him like I never want to let go. "I-I've missed you t-too" I said to him nervously. The hugged felt so long. Neighter of us wanted to pull apart. It felt like we were trapped, but togheter. I could feel his calm breathing in my back and could hear his strong heartbeat. I was probably the same. I don't know if he felt the same way but I just couldn't pull apart. Until Mac coughed a little weirded out. We were hugging for at least 5 minutes until that. When she coughed Jaden pulled apart slowly, kissing my chick in the process. He just looked at me in the eyes with love and I could see he missed me just as much as I missed him or more.

"I can't believe your here, I've missed you so much. I tried to contact you when I came but you never answered" Jaden said still looking at my eyes. I didn't respond I just nodded and looked away. If Mac looked at how I was looking at her brother she would literally kill me. I looked back at him and he looked hurt. I don't want to look at him in the eyes;I feel like I would fall more in love than what I already am.

"How are you?" I said pulling away fast. Maybe a little to fast. He really looked hurt. "Am fine. How are you?" He said looking down. "Am cool. Mac can you come to my house with me to get my clothes please" "yeah sure" Mac responded. I looked at Jaden and he was sad, I could see it. We've been friends seens forever and I know when he is sad.

We walked outside and Max looked at me. I couldn't hold it. I started crying slowly. "What's wrong?" Mac said hugging me. "I can't do this. I can't be here I just can't" "WHY?" Mac looked surprised. I just looked back at her door and nodded. Mac understood. "Look I know you like him. But please, he doesn't like you back. He would break your heart." I just looked at her. She was right. I cleaned my face and pulled her to my house. "I'll just forget him. I know he doesn't like me back so it shouldn't be so hard" I said strongly. I packed some stuff and went back to Mac's house.

We entered and I hugged Amy and John. I looked back and Jaden was looking at me. I just turned around and Mac pulled us up stairs. "We'll be in my room" she screamed running. As soon as we entered she looked excited. "How was your date?" She said wiggling her eyebrows. "It was fun" I said without enthusiasm. "Look, I know you're like in love with Jaden but you can't be sad all the time he comes. "Why not?" I said laying down on her bed crying again. She just sighed and hugged me. We fell asleep.

I woke up in Mac's bedroom and checked my phone it was still 5:30 in the morning. I felt my throat dry so I went downstairs to get some water. When I got there I saw Jaden. I started to turn around and walking upstairs not wanting to look at him. "Y/n wait" he said shyly. I turned around slowly and looked at him, not making any eye contact. "Hi" he said. I couldn't hold it. I walked slowly to him and hugged him. He hugged me back trough my waist and I felt shaking. This is wrong. I pulled apart fast and looked away before looking at his eyes. "What's wrong" ha said worried. I felt the knot again and I just grabbed some water. I started heading upstairs again but he grabbed my wrist slowly. I felt chills at him touch. I turned around but still didn't make eye contact. I looked at the grown while he said "y/n, I miss you. I miss us. Our friendship. What happened? Why do you keep ignoring me?" I just looked at the grown. Because am in love with you.
To be continued...

Hey guys. I hope you all liked this chapter. Am sorry for the spelling mistakes. Also sorry for taking so long updating but am busy. Please comment any characters you'd like to see or any recommendations. Love you all:)

Best friend's brother; Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now