Lost Chapter 2

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l I l y

*authors note: I imagine lily as Lycia Faith and Alexis as Andrea Russet just to let you guys know*

I was heading out on my penny board to ride around town. when I ran into someone

'Oh my god-' I was about to say something else when the guy cut me off how rude but only to say the nicest thing ever.

'It's ok beautiful.' said the guy

I admired his beauty for a bit.

He was pretty tall like 5'7 5'8 he was pretty muscular and he was wearing a suit well a tux.

I crossed my arms 'how did you know I was gonna apologize.' I said irritated

he stood there and laughed, he laughed at me this boy is gonna get it like so bad!

But he's so adorable was wait no I can't fall for him he's a stranger

. he finally spoke up 'so I'm new here and I'm gonna be staying in a hotel which is like right across the street from where we bumped into eachother' he said

as he pointed and then he continued saying in a soft voice 'and I was hopping if you could show me around'

you can feel how desperate he was.

his eyes were filled with desperate ness and a little bit anger.

I wonder what he was angry about 'I don't know I don't talk to strangers sorry.'

he laughed, 'ok then hi my name is Cameron Dallas and I'm a famous basketball player who is probably gonna be moving here pretty soon.!' he said and winked.

I couldn't help but laugh as well. 'ok well I'm Lily and it was nice meeting you.!' I said as I tried riding off.

but he grabbed my wrist and I fell but I fell on top of him

I quickly tried to get up but he smirked and pulled me back down with him

I started freaking out because I was always conscious about how much I weighed and my brother luke was mad that I wouldn't eat

and to my surprise luke came and pulled Cameron off

me 'what he hell is wrong with you' luke yelled punching Cameron in the face

. Cameron winced and I ran to Luke and grabbed his wrists and told him to stop and that Cameron was just a friend and he was playing with me.

many people started starring at me and I just ran away but before I noticed there was a paper in my pocket the note said:

'If you ever wanna give me a call so we can talk or if you want to meet up and you can show me around here's my number. -Cameron ;)

c a m e r o n So when I walked away from that dude that Lily was with

I just had the biggest smile on my face there is something about Lily that I just can't put my finger around it or her everytime I was with her I couldn't help but smile.

I finally reached the place where my meeting was being held

yah I told my parents that I was taking a walk

and I'll meet them in there in a minute or so.

I walked into the elevator and pushed the buttons where it said 'room 2' I had to meet them in there.

The head coach started laughing at me.

I turned around and stared at him and said 'what'

he looked at me and said 'getting into a fight already that's supposed to happen on the court, acting, hitting, drugs, been the star leads to fame.' Said the coach

I just nodded my head and nervously smiled

the coach continued 'you can make a huge star in yourself.. Now I want you to meet the guys I recommend you to be great sports with.'

*authors note:
who do you think Cameron will meet
and in the next chapter someone from cams past shows up
how will cam react. Read to find out more!*
love you guys❤️

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