LOST chapter 3

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c a m e r o n

As all the guys started walking in i didn't know if I should feel nervous or excited.

The coach looked at me.

Oh god. '

Cameron the first person I want your to meet is Nash Grier, he is the prankster on our team so you don't really want to mess with him.'

Nash smiled like he's been thinking of stuff he did in the past.

I gulped nervously and looked at my hands

'Don't be nervous newbies always get pranked first!' Nash sneered.

I laughed a little.

Nash sat down next to me and then my coach looked at both of us.

'Cameron as you can tell I think you and Nash are gonna be really good friends even if he pranks you, Nash has always got that spark, something good him that's why he is the caption.' said the coach

Nash smiled.

'true' he said.

Then the next guy came in.

'This is Matthew Lee Espinosa, he likes to be a dinosaur..' the coach said

'WOOO! MATTHEW!' screamed Nash in my ear.

I plugged my ears

and Matthew smiled at me.

'I'm down for pranks too!' He said and highfived Nash.

I smiled even though I didn't really like this why do I have to to do this

Then the next person came in ruin my thoughts

'This is Carter Reynolds and he's just weird' said the coach.

Carter looked offended but he shook it off and sat down across from me.

Then 2 people came in.

'These two people are the two jacks.
Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson.' said the coach

.They both waved.

Then the next person came in

'This is Aaron Carpenter and he is outstanding.' said the coach

'BOOO! YOU SUCK!!!' said Nash

'do you want me to call your mommy' said the coach.

'No you can suck my ass first' said Nash.

'NASH THATS IT' said the coach

'I will take your caption band away from you' everybody was dead out laughing

'Fine' Nash said pouting.

At this point I wasn't paying attention I was so focussed on Lilly.☺️
oh Lilly.

Everything about her is so perfect!

My thoughts got interrupted as the introduced me to taylor

and the coach said I will meet the rest tomorrow

and those were just the guys I was staying with.

They told me to go back to my hotel as I was walking back I saw.........

Authors note//
sorry for not posting for a long time but cliffhanger sorry.💅🙎
I'm not really in a good mood soooo....
but ily guys.👑❤️
- ella🎉

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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