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     Gumball woke up to Darwin shouting at him. "GUMBALL WAKE UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE TO YOUR DATE WITH PENNY!" Gumball rubbed his eyes. "I thought that was supposed to be dinner?" "It is you just slept really late..." Darwin said rolling his eyes.

Gumball shot up in bed. After putting on clothes and brushing his hair he ran in the family car. He was 17 and had a drivers license now, unlike Darwin who was 15. He didn't have his own car, and his classmates sometimes made fun of him for it, but he didn't really care. Once he had arrived at the restaurant he and Penny were eating at, he ran in as fast as he could.

     "I'm sorry I'm late Penny!" Penny's face was hard to read. "It's fine Gumball." Just then the waiter came over. "What would you like to drink?" Penny considered the choices, looked up and said, "water please." Gumball didn't even have to consider. "Pepsi."

The waiter nodded and bustled off. Penny turned to Gumball. "Darwin said you had a good sleep," Penny said laughing. Gumball turned red. "Hey, at least I came!" Gumball said defensively. Penny leaned forward, sitting up in her seat, their faces almost touching.

"And for that you deserve a medal." Penny kissed him, catching him by surprise. Just then their exchange was interrupted by the waiter. "Erm your drinks are here..." He said awkwardly. "Thank you," Penny said smiling. Gumball wasn't quite so polite simply grabbing his soda.

"And what would you like to eat?" After they were done ordering the waiter bustled off clearly not wanting to interrupt them anymore. "Well? Carry on." Gumball said. Penny grinned and kissed him again. She smiled. "Satisfied?" Gumball grinned. "Very."

Gumball and Penny mostly just talked and hung out until the waiter came. When they were done gobbling up the food, Gumball looked at the bill and his face fell. "H-hey Penny?" "Yes?" "You know my family's financial problems?" Penny nodded. "I don't think I can afford this..."

"Don't worry I'll pay!" Gumballs eyes widened. "You will?" Penny nodded smiling at him. "Your the best girlfriend ever!" Penny rolled her eyes. "Id say it's the other way around... Despite your financial problems you still spend money on me that you earn yourself!" Gumball bit his lip.

"Thanks Penny... I- erm... have a question.." Gumball said nervously. Penny cast a sideways glance at him. "What is it?" Gumball sighed nervously. "Would you... Go to prom with me?"

Penny rolled her eyes for like the 5th time that day. "What do you think? Of course! You are my boyfriend after all!" Gumball smiled happily. "Great! Your the best Penny!" Gumball kissed her. "See you tomorrow at prom." Gumball got back in his car and drove home. "How'd it go?" Darwin asked. "AMAZING!" Gumball yelled hardly able to contain his excitement.

Darwin grinned and started cheering. He ran to the rest of the family. "Gumball asked Penny to prom and she said yes!!" He heard cheering from the rest of the family and Gumball chuckled to himself. Gumball walked upstairs to his bed and lay down, thinking about Penny and how he couldn't stand to lose her.

None of the art is mine credits to the artists. I hoped you liked chapter 1! Don't worry it may seem like Gumballs life is going pretty well but things may turn upside down in a little! ;) If some of my grammar is incorrect I'm sorry please tell me and I will fix it! :)

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