Misplaced flattery and Cautionary Tales

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Remus found the changing room quickly, glad that he was one of the first to arrive. A quick sweep of the room had him glad that he couldn't see James Aaron, or anyone that had directly endeavoured to dampen his spirits. 

He headed straight to the most deserted corner and began to change quickly, back turned to the rest of the room. Although, the few other boys in there had hardly even noticed Remus' presence. In his 16 years Remus had learned that boys are possibly the least observant creatures on the planet, until something draws their attention. Most others in the room were focused on sauntering about the place topless or stealing each others ties. 

 As he bent down to tie his shoelaces, Remus finally heard the unmistakable sound of James Aaron making an entrance; arrogant, howling laughter followed closely by "Well, well, well..."

James and three others were slowly advancing on Remus. "Look who thinks he owns the joint." 

"That's where we sit." One of the other boys spat. 

"Okay." Remus replied simply and moved across the room to sit elsewhere. James followed him across the changing room. 

"Personally, I don't think homos should be allowed in the same changing rooms as us. Staring at us, playing out little fantasies in their heads." He had grabbed the attention of everyone now. "It's perverted." 

"Oh, don't flatter yourself." Remus replied before he could stop himself. A ripple of anticipatory excitement crossed the room. 

"Who do you think you're talking to?" James spat angrily. 

Once again, Remus was saved by the opportune entrance of a teacher. 

"James Aaron get changed right now or so help me, God-there will be trouble." The teacher was tall and bearded with wide shoulders and a firm stance. 

James flashed a menacing grin. 

"Sir, I don't feel comfortable changing in here anymore." 

"And why is that?" The teacher asked incredulously. Remus braced himself for the answer.  

"Well, there's a new member of our class..." He began, side-eyeing Remus. "And, well...he's gay." He was stage whispering now, acting on the pretence that he was being polite, but really enjoying the attention. 

Remus gulped hard but tried his best to maintain his neutral expression. The teacher was clearly battling with his morality as he struggled for a reply. Eventually he sighed and resigned himself to his reply.

"Maybe those of you already changed should go over to the sports hall now to make sure all the equipment is set up." He smiled reassuringly at Remus. Remus knew this was the nicest way to banish him from the room. He felt a strange pang of otherness at the idea of his presence making a whole room of his peers uncomfortable, it was something he had always feared would appear at Hogwarts, but he had escaped thus far. 

The circuit course set up required pairs and, as Remus was being avoided like the plague, he eventually had to pair up with a short, stocky boy who also appeared to have very few allies in the class. In fact, he seemed to be glad that the attention was on Remus, assumably, rather than himself. 

The boy did not so much as tell Remus his name. With each task they completed, he seemed to be fighting the urge to stare at the scars on Remus' arms. Luckily, he put very little effort into the exercises they were supposed to be completing, Remus had no trouble matching his energy. 

Remus did his best to ignore the taunts that came his way through the hour. His favourite was "You punch like a girl." He supposed that James Aaron had never seen a girl punch like Lily Evans had punched James the year before. 

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