date with me I am honored.

34 2 0

Garcia" Sir I am not sure if we can pull this off. What if she poisons him or something else but really horrible bad things happen."

Hotch" Are you sure she won't kill him?"

Kim" I have zero faith in her she is unstable."

Carrie" No she won't."

Dallilah" I agree with Carrie she won't because she not a killer. And she told me even if it backfired she wasn't going to kill us or hurt us."

Kim" like you to believe in a person who poison three people."

Dallilah" I-"

Carrie" shut up just stop I always have to break up your fights and I don't care who is right. We all wanted to die even those three so if she was going to kill us we would be fine. None of us would protest to it and we all know that. So just shut up and wait because I don't want to hear it."

Both of them just sat down and ignoring each other.

*Time passes*

This song was planning in the room when Reid came in.


He sees, a girl he recognized just by the side of her face. She was laying on the couch watching the wall.
It was was really uncomfortable in the room so as a cry for help Reid says.

Reid"I don't think it is gonna change no matter how hard you stare at it. It's a wall it can't do anything it kinda just sits there...."

She turned her head to him with a blank face. But it quickly turns into a smile.

Kat" What are you doing here?"

Reid" Well... You-"

Kat"No I want to hear you say the words."

Reid" I am here for our date..."

Kat" A date with me, I am honored."
(She says with a light smirk amused by what she said)

Reid" So.. are we-"

Kat" sit I am not done cooking."*she taps the space in front of her*

Reid" umm.."

Kat"no I am not gonna, kill you if killing you was my objective you would have been dead. I know where you live Spencer I would have killed you at your apartment or in the hotel. Who do you think I am Tobias Hankel?"

Reid" No, I believe but I am not hungry."

Kat" Hmm someone is eager to leave."

Reid" Well I'm going to see my mom next week and today is Friday. So I can't stay longer than I have to."

Kat"you have only been out here about three or two days."

Reid" Sorry but I am booked for the weekend."

Kat"Can I come? I wonder if your mom remembers me."

Reid" you met my mom?"

Kat" well yeah."

Reid" I am not sure you can come. But I can ask her if she remembers you?"

Kat"Oh... Wait I got you stay here."

Kat runs to a room door and goes inside.
/With Morgan, JJ and Rossi\

Morgan" he is doing a good job at pretending to like her."

JJ" Yeah, maybe a bit too well."

Rossi"Are you saying that you think he actually likes her JJ?"

Morgan"Is the what you think JJ"

JJ" No, it's not I was just thinking."

Back to me
Kat sits down and holds out a picture.

Kat" here it's a picture to show her."

Spencer grabs it and looks at it then puts it in his pocket as a timer goes off.

Kat" Oh... Foods ready."

Reid" So who were the girls you killed?"

(The whole team groans internally thinking he messed up)

Kat"Sit at the table, I will give you one name it's all you need you can find the other two."

(The teams confusion settles.)

Reid"Look who is rushing now."

Kat" hahaha cute but I mean I don't wanna waste your time."

Reid" Nothing you do can ever waste my time."

Kat"Awe thank you."

Spencer's POV
Why did I say that and mean it?

Kat" Because you're subconscious mind knows me."

Reid"What are you talking about..?"

Kat"Your face shows it all you need a better poker face. If you're going to play my game."


She moves over to the table with the food and says.

Kat"What Kat got your tongue?"


Bye bye.

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