Chapter 26

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"As many of you know," says Mayor Quinn to the crowd, "we've had a little bit of excitement this past week."

They all nod and murmur.

"There have been a lot of rather startling developments. First of all, I want to make it official here and now: we are not alone in this country!"

A hush falls over the crowd.

"But that is not a reason to be afraid. The discovery of this place called Commonwealth changes nothing. It seems that other forms of civilization have survived, but we aren't going to stray from our chosen path. We have survived for so long because we have rejected the selfish old ways and chosen to live by new, inclusive ways that benefit all people equally. We have chosen to live in a way that is fair and just, and that isn't changing anytime soon."

Oh, Mayor Quinn. If only you knew.

"Our ways of living are right. I have chosen to not attempt to make contact with Commonwealth for this very reason. We will simply forget that this encounter happened, and continue the way things have always been."

So he's made his choice. He's preserving us instead of reaching out. We've seen greener pastures, but we're just getting a smaller pen.

"So don't worry yourselves," he smiles his television smile. "Halcyon is strong and stable. Nothing is getting in to hurt us after all these years. There's a reason we've lasted so long, and that is because we are a powerful and proud community. One stranger from another city won't collapse us. In fact, Scorpius Sledge is being integrated into our society as we speak. We've lasted two-hundred years, and we'll last two-hundred more for certain. We've built firm foundations rooted in deep truth and universal ideals. Thank you for understanding. Now, it is with deepest pleasure that I introduce this year's guests."

The news anchors go first, as well as the heads of the earth science and energy laboratories. Then, from the other side of the stage, come the Chief of Police and his wife. She gave the speech last year, but I barely remember it. I was eating crab legs with Blanche. I've never paid much attention to the ceremonials until today.

"And for the year's guest of honor," says Mayor Quinn, "I'm very proud to introduce someone who's been an incredible help to me and my friends at the correctional facility this past week. We would never have learned what we did without her help. Please welcome, from the Northern Neighborhood, Tara Meridian."

And then I'm on stage, and the lights are blinding. I can barely make out faces in the crowd of people, and I'm glad. I'd much rather be parading in front of a faceless mass than people I know. I manage enough courage for the customary bow, spreading out the fabric of my skirt in the female variation, and Mayor Quinn smiles at me. I force myself to smile back. I'm happy. I'm happy.

I walk down the stairs and off the stage, where another event manager is waiting. She ushers me to the table at the head of the room, the mayor's table. Of course. I won't be able to sit with Mom and Blanche. I won't even be able to see my friends until the meal portion of the celebration is over. The massive buffet tables are already set up along the walls, and I can smell the sweet aromas, but people at the mayor's table can't go and fill their plates like the citizens. We get menus, and some attendant gets the food for us. This irritates me, mostly because I doubt that the attendant nearest to my seat can even begin to fathom just how many shrimp I need right now.

The orchestra begins some music, and the mayor joins us at his table. I feel awkward, the only youth at a table of people twice my age, but I quickly realize that I won't have to do much talking. The mayor talks enough for all of us. He chatters to his old friends while I order, and I stuff my face and listen. The shrimp are perfectly fried, the crab is delicious, and I sample an incredible cut of beef that's been drowned in some kind of sweet sauce. I easily tear pieces away with my fork and savor them as they melt in my mouth, but I suddenly notice that the table has gone silent. When I look up, I make eye contact with Mayor Quinn. Everyone at the table is staring at me. I quickly swallow my mouthful.

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