Hospital Trip

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Jonathan was very quiet on the way to the hospital, and no one really talked. When the Welcome To Hawkins sign came in view, everyone started to get a feeling of how bad this earthquake really was. The sign was lopsided and bent in a weird position, and the road and cracks all over it. Some trees were knocked down too. When they got into Hawkins, everyone in the car got a sense of how bad it really was. The buildings were wreaked and a lot of signs were in the road. Jonathan looked around in awe. When the car finally got to the hospital, Jonathan jump out of the car. He ran inside to find Mike sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room.

"Where is she," he asked.

"I think they took a cat-scan of her to make sure there was not internal bleeding or anything, and there wasn't, but they are currently identifying whats wrong with her." Jonathan sighed a bit, but was still nervous to know what happened. El had walked inside and was hugging Mike, and Joyce was checking on Holly. Jonathan sat down and waited for what felt like hours until a nurse came to the waiting room. 

"Ok, so overall, Nancy is going to be fine. She didn't have a concussion but she hit her head very hard so she might have severe headaches for a few days. We are going to keep her overnight just to make sure nothing is wrong with her and send her on her way. She can have 2 people in her room right now."  Jonathan got up at once, Mike following behind him. Holly stated crying as soon as Mike got up, and the nurse reluctantly let her come too. When they got up to her room, Nancy was in the bed awake but looked dazed. 

"Hey Nance," Jonathan said.

"Hi," she said back, smiling.

"You okay," he asked.

"Better than I was before," she said quietly. They kissed, and Nancy's eyes darted back to Mike and Holly.

"Hey sis," Mike said.

"Hi. You guys alright? Mike, you have a bruise on your head."

"We're fine. I don't know if you remember this or not but we got hit with the light and it left me it."

 "I can remember everything up to when the bookshelf fell on us." Nancy then looked to Holly.

"Holly, are you okay?"

"I'm okay," she said.

"Mike, what happened after the earthquake? And how did it start," she asked suddenly.

"Well, after it ended you and Holly were stuck under the bookshelf, so I got the neighbors to come help. After that we took you to the hospital. And we aren't sure how the earthquake started." Nancy nodded and leaned back in her bed. 

"When did you wake up," Jonathan asked.

"About an hour ago after my scan."

"And you promise you are okay?"

"I'm fine Jonathan. It was just a minor injury. Since you're in town, do you think you could help clean up the house? I know that Mike and I can't do it all ourselves, and Holly would only be able to help with small things." 

"Of course. It will be nice to spend the weekend in Hawkins." 

The next day, El went to clean up the house. After Nancy was released from the hospital, they all drove to the house and started cleaning. It was a mess, and almost everything was knocked over. 

"Well, lets get to it," Nancy said. Joyce and Will helped lift one of the cabinets and put it back in place while Nancy and Jonathan carried lights that broke to to trash can. El and Mike cleaned the upstairs together quietly when Mike broke the silence.

"What do you think caused the earthquake? I mean, it's a little strange."

"I don't know," El replied. "Have you tried calling anyone in the party?"

"No, the phones are down. I'm sure they had it just as bad."

"Do you think we could go to their houses and see them later today?"

"Yeah, I think that would be good. As long as it's okay with your mom."

"I think she will say yes." It took another hour before everything was cleaned up. El asked Joyce if she could go see her friends and she said yes so they all started walking to Dustin's since they didn't have enough bikes. When they got there, Dustin was outside throwing glass into the trash can. 

"Hey Dustin," Will said, and Dustin turned to see them.

"Byers!" Dustin ran up to Will and El and gave them a hug. 

"So whats the state of your house," Mike asked after they were done hugging.

"Well I was inside and suddenly everything started shaking. I got under my bed and when it was over everything was a mess. You?" Mike proceeded to tell him everything that happened and Dustin stood there with his mouth open. 

"Well that sounds a lot worse than mine," Dustin said after a minute. 

"Do you need us to help with cleaning," Eleven asked suddenly. 

"I could use the help," Dustin replied. 

Joyce was sitting on the Wheeler's couch when suddenly the overhead light turned on. She got up at once, knowing that the power was back, and rushed over to the phone to call Murray. After a few seconds, he picked up.

"Hello," he said.

"Murray, it's Joyce. I was wondering if I could stop by today."

"Is it because of the earthquake?"

"Yes, that and I have a gut feeling something is off. Can I come over?"

"It's not like I have anything else to do. I also needed to talk to you about something."


"It's... well... I need to talk to you about it in person. How fast can you be here?"

"Maybe 45 minutes?"

"Okay, see you then." Murray hung up, and Joyce went to go tell Jonathan where she was headed. She walked upstairs and found Nancy and Jonathan in Nancy's room on the bed talking. 

"Hey, I'm going to Murray's. I will be back in about 2 hours or so." Jonathan nodded and Nancy waved goodbye. Joyce walked out to the car and turned it on, and then pulled out of the driveway. 

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