Chapter 10: Mother

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I wasn't really interested in academics but you always made me do my assignments and school works. Nagging me that I won't have a bright future if I won't do so. You tutored me in english and I did the same to you with maths.

"I'm nervous, what if she wouldn't like me" I said getting anxious. I was going to meet his mom today. "Relax she will love you" he said assuring me. That did help a little but my anxiety is taking over me. It was also my first time going to their house. My parents won't be home until the next day. Might as well take advantage of it.

"Mom I'm home" he said as he removed his shoes. "Come in" he said to me. "Son, I didn't know you will be home oh and who do we have here?" she asked as she noticed me. His mom was beautiful. She is my neighbor but I didn't get to see her often because I'm always inside my room often stuck studying.

She had a warm smile. I can see where Sunwoo got his eyes from.  Beauty really runs from their family. She looked soft and kind contradicts with her son's demeanor. I wasn't saying that Sunwoo looks like a bad person but he just had a strong appearance. "Right, Hana this is my Mom, and Mom this is Hana my girlfriend" he introduced us to each other. I bowed at her.

His mother was wearing an expression I can't decipher. "Welcome to the family darling" she said cheerfully breaking the silence. She hugged me. I was thankful that she liked me. "Mom should we go inside first" Sunwoo interrupted, as we were still at the shoe rack beside the door. "Silly me, come in make yourself at home, I'll go get some tea" she said going to the kitchen. I looked around. Their house was so pretty and pleasant it makes me comfortable. It has pictures of Sunwoo when he was a kid, I laughed because even then he looks grumpy. "It's not much but it's home" he said "I see" I smiled.

"Here is our tea" his mom said holding a tray with the tea and cookies then she settled it down on the coffee table. "My son always talks about you" she revealed. "Really" I tugged at him and he shrugged his shoulders then pretended to cough. "Yes, almost everyday, and that is why I wanted to meet you properly then" she said. "Mom stop you're embarrassing me" Sunwoo whined jokingly. After a while he left us to go up to his room to let his mother and I bond a little.

His mom was very kind and accommodating. She told me stories about Sunwoo's childhood. Also about her husband that was in jail. I learned that his husband got into a traffic accident and accidentally hit a student that caused the student's death that night.  Then he ended up in prison for that. "Sunwoo loves and adores his father, in fact he is his role model he just doesn't like to show it" the older woman told me. It was a sensitive topic but she trusted me enough to tell me about it. We continued to talk until it was time go home.

I'm glad my mom liked you. I was also nervous that day. But I was also sure that my mom will like you. I sometimes joke at her that she loves you better than me because she kept bugging me to invite you home again. I'm glad that the first woman in my life loved the woman for me.

A/n: Deobis love you Sunwoo and the rest of the members too and please don't feel bad Chanhee, sweetie not everyone can spoil us with 111 pics in a day and in a short amount of time at that.

Anyways Cob and Hyunjae's A to Boyz was lovely you should check that out if you haven't.


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