Ethan's secret

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Hope's POV;

After a few minutes of shouting and screaming for the Lord, the pastor finally got down to business, so everyone settled down.

"How's everyone one this fine Friday afternoon!" He suddenly exclaims. A chorus of positive remarks filled the church before dying down when the pastor spoke again. "Like I assumed, you're all good. Now before I go any further, when was the last time we danced for the lord!". The congregation went silent. "So you haven't praised the lord yet? After all he has done for you?! How disappointing! Everyone get up! Get up! Get up and praise the lord!" He beams with a large grin as everyone arises. All of a sudden, the sound of chorused shouts, both low and high pitched, fill the air, the combination of all the vocals was beyond the word angelic.

I looked around trying to find out where the shouting was coming from when everyone in the congregation started to clap along to the rhythm, including Mr and Mrs Gregor. Great! Another ritual I know not of. Before I knew it, the chorused shouts turned into singing, and I knew the song they sang anywhere, it was 'How I praise' by Planetshakers.

I suddenly see a line of teenagers dance out of a room. They all wore matching velvet robes. I see four girls emerge singing in higher pitches followed by 4 boys singing in lower pitches. My eyes were literally popping out of their sockets when I saw a familiar brown haired teen on the line. It was Ethan! I just stood motionless as my eyes followed him as he danced up the stage, singing. What?! He never told me he was in a choir!

"That's my baby! Go Ethan!" I heard Mrs Gregor scream as she clapped like a maniac for her son . Mr Gregor just smiled as he watched his son make him a proud father. My attention was brought back to the stage when I suddenly heard musical instruments being played. Some grown men started playing the guitars, piano, trumpets and drums I didn't notice on the stage until now. One word could describe this, exquisite!

The voices of the teenage choir was enchanting, their harmonizing just put me in a whole new world. It was like a drug that I couldn't quit taking because just one whiff of it gets you permanently hooked. Before I knew it, I was dancing, it was like my legs had a mind of their own, and I liked it!!! A black haired girl with hazel eyes led the group, her voice was the only one that could really be heard, but was beautiful!

The song went on for about 4 minutes before much more powerful voices suddenly invaded the scene as adult singers, about 15 in number, barged in from a door on the opposite side of the stage. They wore purple robes instead of velvet, like the teens.

There were 6 men and 9 woman in this group. They remixed the song the teenage group was singing with the song 'Excess love' by Mercy Chinwo. A worship song really put me in the mood for prayer but I just couldn't concentrate due to the mist of awe that bombarded me. Their singing was more than the word exquisite! It's like God created them specifically for this purpose, that is, singing together. The harmonizing and combination of high pitched vibratos and low pitched vibratos put me in a musical trance, that I had no intention of being snapped out of....

"-In Jesus Name, Amen!" I suddenly hear the pastor say. We were praying? How long was I in that trance anyway? I thought in a complete daze. I glimpse at the big clock hung on the top of the stage and notice that my mind had been away from my body for about 30 minutes. What do they expect? They had angels sing instead of human beings for crying out loud! "Alright, everyone settle down so we can get into today's teaching..."The pastor says as the choir, both the teenage and adult one, walk to their seats in the front row.

"Before that, are there any new comers? Please show by standing up so we can welcome you, the God Rangers way..." He says as he looks around the congregation. I honestly don't like attention, so I'd rather stay put and act like I didn't hear what he said. Mr and Mrs Gregor must have understood my situation because they didn't bother me, this is what I love most about them, they're understanding... "Anyone at all? none ok-"the pastor says before he is interrupted by a woman with a deep western accent. " There's someone pastor, hold on please!" Oh no...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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