Missing you

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Then one day i was missing you... like hell... but I didn't texted you..
I dont know y but I didn't.. when I thought about it the reasons I could come up with is u dont like seeing in online.. you dont like to reply... you are bc and you aren't comfortable with texting/calling and that I shouldn't do anything naive to disrupt the relation we have..
That wasn't an happy realization.. cuz i was used to meet you... before u left , I didn't knw how to stay connected.. while u put up pics with so many male frnds of yuars.. i dont knw wat was so special about me that we dont have any pictures together put up anywer...
U wer so warm with everbdy.. like u had some 8-9 best frnds.. but for me it was all you... u used to go to those distant landmarks with them.. while even a coffee with me was never retreated..
I knw i m not so good with wrds.. I could never expln how important u wer for me..
Then one day i accptd that u and me are never going to happen... not atleast wen i m just an acquaint for u.. while for me u wer mor than jus a frnd.. i stoppd tryng...stoppd cmng into yua notice..stop liking yua pics... made my different world..shiftd my life away frm u..
Then one day u txtd me sayng that u miss me..as alwys i was all ears.. as if i was waiting for this since years.. there wer some nostalgic nerves whch ignited... bt then as weeks passed i knw how thngs will take its course again..
And that was the day i told u.. " always remember me in yua pain and sorrows.. but never in yua joy and happiness "
And left.

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