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And I am wondering how many people you have met since i have been gone.... And how many of the them you have fallen in love with ...And how many of them you have changed..
And I am wondering if you have had your heart broken ....And if you have learn to move on ....If you have learned to let go of the past.... I am thinking about you dear .....And I am so sorry about how careless I was.... It's just.... Back then.... I didn't know what I was doing..... I didn't know how to tell you.... how It was ....How much you meant to me .....And now after all this time.... I catch myself thinking about you ....wondering what has become of your life .....It is sad..... and.... I don't expect you to Feel the same way .....Because ....I know how different it must be for you.... But nonetheless ,...around here ....It is never the same without you .....And sadly .....I can't remember what it was like before you....
Sometimes .....when I'm alone ....the moments We once had haunt me ....And they remind me of how wrong I was..... For letting you go ....Sometimes when I'm alone .....The darkness become darker than before ....And sometimes the only thing that keeps me going Is the memory of what we once had .....Because ....I really hurt you ....And I regret it .....and I do so ...Fiercely deeply ....But the hours Keeps accumulating ....And calendar Keeps piling in the trash... and the rooms in my heart remains empty ....And like all the good things that pass ....It is for too late to bring you back home ....Far too late to pick up the phone and tell you How much I still care....
I'm sorry dear .....Wherever you are .....I hope you're doing well.... I hope you're living your dream .....And I hope you How outgrown what hurts ....Stay young my love ....and stay forever free..!!

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