ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

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Kairyn Cortez

Quince immediately stopped walking as soon as he saw me standing there in absolute shock. Looking between the two of us he spoke. "Do you know her?"

"Yes babe, I know her," I replied with surprise and a great amount of curiosity. How the hell did she even know where I was?

"I'm Annissa Rosario," she introduced herself, extending a pale hand towards Quince.

Ignoring her hand, Quince gave her a curt nod of acknowledgment. "Quince." Grabbing my non-broken hand he held it firmly. "This is my girlfriend Kairyn."

"Oh." She replied with a forced smile.

Returning a forced smile I glanced up at Quince. "I already know her."

The silence that followed momentarily felt like an eternity. Seeing as I wasn't going to say anything Annissa took a deep breath and spoke. "I just wanted to apologize for everything that happened."

Staring at her in disbelief I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The banshee who got me locked up for a murder I didn't even commit was apologizing? That didn't sound right. She continued speaking pulling me right from my thoughts.

"And as an apology, I was wondering if maybe I could get you dinner." She looked serious as she put this offer out. I continued to stare at her in utter disbelief as I processed what she was asking. Without even giving it a second thought I gave my answer, my voice coming out cold and firm. "No."

Tugging on Quince's hand, we started making our way to the parking lot once again. We didn't make it far as we heard what sounded like a desperate, "Wait." Ignoring her I continued walking away from her. "Please."

I didn't even look back as Annissa continued to plead, begging me to stop. My anger boiled as I thought of all the things I wanted to do to get my revenge for framing me of murder. What the hell made her think I wanted to go to dinner with my accuser? That would be complete bullshit. As I hastened my pace I heard as Quince spoke. "Listen, no means no. Now leave."

As soon as we got to the car Quince unlocked it and without missing a beat, quickly pulled out of the parking space. Laying my head on the window I watched the scenery pass by as we sat in comfortable silence.

Once we got home, I rushed out of the car and practically ran to our apartment. Unlocking the door I started taking off my clothes as I went. Opening the door to my room I grabbed my towel and rushed to the bathroom.

Turning on the water I was about to step into the tub, but then I heard banging on the door. "Kairyn I know you're having a Cortez moment right now, but I am not your damn servant. I'm your fucking roommate. Now since I'm nice I left everything in your room."

I heard as Quince left, but not before I heard him shout out, "Oh, and Kairyn your arm can't get wet. Put a bag over it otherwise, we'll have a repeat of today."

Glancing down at my arm I realize that I forgot to get a bag in my rush to hit the shower. Wrapping the towel around me I stepped out of the bathroom in search of a bag. Quickly grabbing one from underneath the kitchen sink I wrapped my arm in it, then made my way to the bathroom once again.

Stepping into the tub I let the hot water run down my body. Of all the things that could possibly have happened to me these past two days, at least I knew I could check two things from my bucket list.

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