Dusk Days: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Of course we ended up going shopping, I saw that Alice was upset and very, very, very stupidly suggested we go shopping. Worst plan ever!

When we got home we got all the girls together and showed them what we had bought everyone, since Alice was still a bit upset I suggested that we should have a fashion show for the boys and show them what are new clothes looked like.

Alice and I had chosen the outfits they were:

Alice: Bright pink strapless tutu! A pandora bracelet full of butterfly charms and white ballet flats. I know it sounds hideous but trust me, even I liked it!

Rosalie: a crystal blue cocktail dress with glass high heels a sterling silver key necklace.

Esme: a floral print dress with kitten heels.

Me (Bella): a strapless dark blue dress, pandora bracelet, sterling silver heart necklace and white high heels.

Renesmee: a frilly light pink dress, loads of gold bracelets, a butterfly necklace and black high heels.

Lenette: a light blue strapless dress with diamonds along the bottom, millions of sterling silver bracelets, diamond necklace and brown ballet flats.

"GUYS GO TO THE DINNER TABLE!" Alice screamed from the makeover room "AND TELL JAKE TO STOP STUFFING HIS FACE, HIS WIFE IS COMING DOWN THE STAIRS RIGHT NOW!!" and she quickly shoved Nessie down the stairs.

We herd the males mouths popping open, Nessie looked gorgeous wearing light pink.

"Quick your next!" Alice said to Esme as she slowly began walking down the stairs.

I saw Carlisle's mouth pop open and his eyes open as wide as they could go, when Esme saw his face she giggled and ran over to him.

"Rosssieee your next, make Emmett have a heartattack!" I laughed at her, she really looked gorgeous, as beautiful as Nessie.

Emmett let out a long whistle when he saw her.

"YOUR BOOBS LOOK GREAT ROSE!" he yelled out causing her to attack him, and then start to kiss him passionately.

"Got get a room guys!" Jake said and they laughed.

"Come on Jacob, like you don't do that with Nessie" Rose playfully laughed, they had gotten used to each other over the years, much to everyones relief.

"Bella your next" Alice decided.

"Okay" I was still trying to make her happy, she still wasn't 100% Hell, I'd even let her dress me up like a barbie 50 times, I hated seeing her sad like this.

I slowly came down the stairs.

Emmett let out another whistle, if I was still a human I would be blushing heaps now!

"Eddie boy looks like you two are going to have some fun tonight, with that dress" he started cracking up.

I stuck my tounge out at him like a two year old and went to kiss Edward.

Then it was Alice's go, she looked absolutely stunning! Instead of letting her come down the stairs like the rest of us, Jasper ran up and carried her down. It was so adorable!!!!!!

And then it was Lenette's go (sigh) I had to admit, she looked beautiful even more than Rose. I felt Edwards jaw drop on top of my head and I sighed. Next to me I heard Rose sigh too so Emmett must of been doing the same thing.

I stole a peak at Edward and I saw his eyes shining, like he wanted to go pick her up like Jaz did to Alice. My shoulders drooped and he briefly looked down at me and then as quickly as he had looked down he looked up again. So I walked away trying to hold back the sobs.

"Where are you going Bella?" He asked.

"Back to the cottage" I told him.

"I'll be there later" he said and turned back to Lenette, how I wanted to go punch her in her stupid mouth, she had stolen away my reason for existing.

"I be back later" I heard Rose murmur to Emmett and then I felt the breeze behind me and she rushed up and hugged me as soon as she saw me crying. We stood there for about five minutes just hugging and getting some of the sobs out of my body.

Five minutes later we looked over at the house, where Lenette was dancing with Edward to some old song I couldn't of been bothered to think of the name, it was the type of slow dance that couples did at their wedding, she leaned her head on his shoulders and they were twirling around in circles. I rushed back to the cottage and thought about everything, why wasn't I good enough for him, why did he lie to me about me being his first love my wedding ring probably wasn't even his mothers, it was probably the one he gave to Lenette! I threw it at the wall and a white hand quickly grabbed it before it hit the wall. It was Edward.

I let go of my shield and let him into my mind, I couldn't be bothered to talk to him, he's a waste of your time Bella, I thought to myself.

"Bella I love you, not Lenette she's just a old friend" he told me and tried to kiss me.

I pushed him off. "Yes I know she's a old friend, I very good old friend you were so close... Why did you lie to me Edward why did you lie to me?! WHY??!!" I yelled at him and then it started a new round of sobs.

"Bella sweetheart I didn't want to hurt you, I thought you would never love me if you herd the truth, Lenette is the only one that knows I even married her, I didn't even tell Carlisle!" he explained and tried to kiss me again.

"Edward nothing could of stopped me loving you, the first time I set eyes on you in the forks night school cafeteria I fell in love with you!" I hissed, "you didn't have to lie!"

"I know Bella and I'm sorry I did I guess that I was so caught up in you that I forgot"

"YOU FORGOT SOMEONE MARRIED YOU?! HOW COULD YOU EDWARD CULLEN HOW?!" I screeched at him and I tried to calm down, I wish I still had the excuse of being a new born, "and you know what?! That's not the part that angers me!" I jabbed my finger at him, "THE PART THAT ANGERS ME IS THAT YOU ARE PAYING MORE ATTENTION TO HER THAN YOU DO TO ME! IM YOUR WIFE, IM THE STUPID LAMB!!! When she first got here, you should of seen your face, you were happier then than what you were at OUR FRICKEN WEDDING!!!" Saying all that brought round a whole new round of crying, we sat on that bed for hours, just letting me cry.

When I had finally finished we went to get changed, like nothing had happened, I appreciated that.

"Thanks" I whispered giving him a hug.

He bent down to kiss me and I dodged out of the way, he looked at me questionly, "What's wrong Bella? Why can't I kiss you"

"You've betrayed my trust Edward, I'm sorry but your just going to have to earn it back" and I went back to the big house.

:) hope you like it :D

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