Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was Angela my friend from Forks high school, but she was human...

"Impossible" I murmured to my self. "I must be having a hallucination" I closed my eyes, rubbed then and opened them again, she was still there, this was no figment of my imagination.

She looked up and saw me. "Bella?" she whispered, her voice was hoarse and dry and all the facial features were dirty, she was pretty before and now she had acne all over her face, her hair was greasy and uneven ant her clothes were tattered and worn. Then I realized, that was the dress she wore to graduation.

I quickly picked up the phone, I couldn't bear to talk to her even though I had so many questions for her, how was she still alive, what has happened to her, what-

And then my thoughts were cut off, Carlisle had answered the phone. "What's wrong Bella?" he asked,

"I need you to get down here now Carlisle, I've just been hunting and I've found something I think you might want to have a look at."

"I'll be right there" he said and about a minute later, Carlisle, Jasper and Edward were standing next to me,

"What happened Bella?" Edward asked and then he smelt the blood and saw Angela, "Oh"

"I was hunting and I came across a scent, so sweet and I couldn't help myself, I had to follow it I only just stopped myself in time..." I trailed off. There was something in Edwards face, it wasn't panic or worry like I had been expecting, it was nervousness.

As soon as I could blink Carlisle was standing over Angela, examining her for fractures and broken bones, I think he found something because a minute later he told us that we had to get back to the house. Nobody was there when we got there, I raised my eyebrows at Edward questionably, I let my shield drop. Where is everyone I thought to him, he shrugged his shoulders. I know you know Edward, stop trying to lie to me. He rolled his eyes and becomes for me to follow him.

Once we got outside i looked pointedly at him, waiting for some answers.

"Alice, Esme, Renesmee, Lenette and Rosalie have gone shopping for wedding dresses and Emmett and Jacob have gone fishing."

"Fishing? Edward really, is that the best you can come up with?" I told him, Emmett and Jacob didn't need to go fishing they can just go to the shops and but a whole aquarium and they were both impatient people, they didn't have the patience to sit in a small boat all day waiting for some fist to come along.

Edward shifted uncomfortably, he was nervous, a rare emotion for Edward. The only time I had ever seen him nervous was on Isle Esme, when I was still human, I let the memories flood my mind...

"That's not the only time I've been nervous" he mumbled to himself I looked away, embarrassed, I'd forgotten he was still listening to my thoughts. I let my shield back up. "Name one other time you have been nervous" I demanded at him.

"Bella, when you were human, my main emotions were nervousness and love, I was nervous because I thought that you were going to choose Jacob, I was nervous because I thought that when you finally got changed that you would want to have another shot at a human life, I was nervous because I didn't know how hood my self-" and then I interrupted him.

"You never have to be nervous again, the only thing I want in the world is you" I told him, and then started to kiss him passionately.

"We should probably get back to the cottage, before we end up having sex in front of everyone" I laughed.

"I'm fine with that" he murmured, then he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and we walked back to the cottage, hand in hand.

When we got there there was someone waiting for Edward it was Lenette, so I had a idea, I will hide in the bushes next the the window and he will show me that he actually loves me, not Lenette.

"Edward your here!" She cooed, "I've made your bed, cleaned the cottage and painted the roof white. I think I deserve a reward," and she went to hug him, but he stepped away.

"Huh?" she said, "No hug?"

"No Lenette I'm sorry, I'm not in love with you, I'm sorry if I've been misleading you, but I have a wife now, and I got a divorce from you ten years after I changed you. Why in the world would I still love you?"

"Because we are ment to be together!" she whined, that girl didn't give up easily did she?

She looked like she was about to cry, so I thought I might male my entrance.

"Lenette he's never loved you and he never will, I'm sorry" I said the last bit with a hint of sarcasm.

"Your evil Bella Swan evil!" She hissed,

"Its Bella Cullen, bitch" I snapped at her.

"I used Swan for a reason, because he loves me! Not you!"

"He's never loved you Lenette, he never has, never will"

She stormed out of the house with the angriest look on her face.

"I will be back!" She screamed and ran into the forest.

"Guess that's the last we will be seeing of her" Edward smiled his crooked grin.

I smiled and pulled him onto the bed... I guess you know what happened next :)

When we had finished making love Edward took me back to the house.

While we were walking I said to him, "you never did tell me where everyone was yesterday."

He bit his lip, "they wanted to give you and me some 'alone' time."

"But why?" I asked, the last time I could remember the Cullens giving us some alone time was when I first got changed, it was a birthday present.

"Alice had a vision... It was-" but I cut him off.

"If everyone has been trying to keep the vision from me, knowing it would hurt me, I'd rather not know."

Then I heard Alice come up."Edward she's right, the vision still hasn't changed, I don't think she should know."

"Hasn't changed?! He fumed, "Alice that's impossible!"

"I'm sorry Edward it's not." She murmured and walked away.

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