"oh my god, Alligator what did you do?"

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I walked along the path of the acorn woods. it was a peaceful silence that you get once you get away from my sister's screaming.

don't get me wrong... I love my sister. but there are times when I want to kill her. just normal sibling relationships.

I looked around and sat at the edge of the lake. the sky was a light shade of pink revealing slightly the glow of the setting sun.

suddenly I hear a gunshot. I scramble to get up and slowly head towards the heart of the sound. I could faintly see two shadows and instantly one f them fell to the ground. 

I quietly creep and hide behind the shrubs and bushes. I jump up and climb on the shooter's body. no time to register the attack the man fell to the ground.

we rolled as we both tried to gain control of the opponent. he suddenly stopped the fight and got up, leaving utterly confused and dishevelled on the ground.

since it was dark I couldn't notice the features of the man to identify him.

"I didn't think that I would meet you like this lioness," he said making me realize who this person was.

"oh my god, Alligator what did you do?" I ask facepalming myself

"let's just say I'm on a case and it meant I had to travel 8000 miles to get here"

"and?" I ask 

" well I wanted to meet you..." he said using his free hand to rub the back of his neck.

"what happened the last time you came to meet me?" I ask annoyed

"That was an accident ... I swear I.."

"save the bullcrap Al," I say going over to him to give him a hug.

"looks like a lot happened once I left, you are now hugging me, willingly," Al asks teasingly 

"shut up! just this one time. it might not happen again" I say coming out of his hold.

"so my last visit really affected you huh?" Al says putting his arm over my shoulder while we head to my car.

" you blew up my house idiot! you may be the reason I have PTSD in the future" I say

"aww... its soo nice to see you too!" he says sarcastically.

"what's the new case about?" I ask removing his hand over my shoulders to get into the driver's seat.

" this time it's a gold smuggler," he says getting into the shotgun and resting his feet on the dashboard.

"What happened to your motorcycle?" he asks inquisitively

"let's just say I keep it for special occasions like..."

"your dad took it didn't he?"

"yep, can't ride that baby for 2 weeks"

"what did you do?"

" let's just say I went to a party..."

" you got into a fight didn't you?"

"how u know?"

"number 1 you hate parties.

 and number 2 I know when you're lying from your facial expression"

"let's just say an educated guess"

"why'd you get into a fight?"

" the guy grabbed my butt. "

"what happened?"

"he is now making sure he and his friends don't do it to any other girl"

"he's in the hospital isn't he?"

"Alright, can you read my mind!" I scream which he chuckles in response.

we pullover to my house to find two black SUV's parked there already.

" you gotta be shitting me," I say looking at Al.

" This is victor's car"

"okay but if he tries any funny business I will personally crack his big skull"

" fine..." Al says rolling his eyes and gets out while I check in the glove box for my gun. I get down while putting the gun in my jacket pocket.

"is it necessary? I mean its victor" he asks

" the same victor who thought I was a murderer and tried to kill me?"

"That was one time i..."

"hush... I had enough now let's go see this piece of crap before it's dinner time cause I'm already hungry"

"but it's still 7 pm," he says

"yea I missed my early dinner"

"how many dinners do u have?" 

"3," I say frankly

" fine let's go meet him before you eat me," he says 

"Good idea," I say laughing.

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