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ANOTHER SIDE "EVE"Big brother has always been by my side. I've always been with him, ever since I was born into this world and the moment my eyes saw light. I already knew when I stood up onto my own legs. I knew what was valuable to me. What I had to protect. Nobody had taught me, but I knew. The answer was almost too obvious. "Hey, big brother. Why do we have to wear such uncomfortable things like underwear?" asked Eve. "According to records, humans concealed their genitals. Exposing your genitals was frowned upon, apparently. Just don't complain and wear it, Eve," demanded Adam. "Okay. But why do we have to eat these plants? Machines don't need to eat plants to function." "This is a type of fruit. Apparently humans were able to gain knowledge by eating this. Stop whining and eat in silence." "I see. If big brother says I should then I will. But after this, will you come play with me?" "Sure." "Then I'll try my best to eat it." I love to play, and it's fun, but in reality we don't have to play. As long as big brother is there, and he looks like he is having fun. I just said play, because big brother always looks like he's having the most fun when we're playing human. Big brother, do you understand? I like to play, but I like it even more when you're happy. I know what you like, big brother. Ancient books written by humans. Footage of humans from a long time ago. You like anything the humans made, don't you? When we play human, we use a table that looks just like the one from an ancient show. If big brother could see a living human, I bet he'd be happy. If we could play with a living human, I bet big brother would have fun and smile. "Big brother, let's play," said Eve. "Not now," replied Adam. "Why not?" "We're going to have guests soon," "Guests? You mean that big sound just now?" "No, that was an old Goliath-class weapon. I invited them with it." "Who's them? "You'll know when you see them. I have to prepare the arrangements soon." "Big brother." "What?" "Will you play with me after the preparations?" "Not yet. I said there were going to be guests, right?" "Then will you play with me once the guests come?" "If we complete the objective." "How long will that take?" "Let's see... You can wait until then, right?" "I'll wait. So let's play." "Only if you can keep our promise." "I will. If it's a promise for my big brother, I'll definitely keep it." If big brother is having fun, then I'm having fun. If big brother smiles, that makes me want to smile. It makes my stomach tingle with a warm feeling.It's because there's no one else like big brother. There's lots of Machines, but none of them are like us. I'm the only one that looks like big brother, and big brother is the only one that looks like me. Even if we think differently and like different things, me and big brother will always be together. Isn't that awesome? Let's play, big brother. Let's get this over with and play. Let's play human, your favorite game. I'll wear the annoying clothes and eat the funny-tasting plants. I'll wait until it's time. Hey big brother, do you know what I like?

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