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AUGUST 6 OF THE YEAR 11945. A projectile was launched toward space from the structure known as "the tower." Immediately after, we confirmed the cessation of all JeaGer black-box responses. The Project JeaGer progression management roles we occupied have come to an end. We will transition to the final sequence of Project JeaGer. That is, to delete all JeaGer android-related data. Personal data, as well as chassis composition data will be deleted, and the server reset. The chassis construction unit of transfer devices will be destroyed as well. Future construction of JeaGer androids will be theoretically impossible. The fact that we were assigned to be the "final exterminators" was not disclosed to any android. Not to my longtime lead 3R, nor my next lead A2, who was declared so by 3R's final orders. Not even to 8S, who was the last JeaGer android, or Commander White, who governed the JeaGer squadron. Any information regarding this mission exists only within the internal network of us Pods. And androids did not have access to the Pod network.

"From Pod 153 to Pod 042. Report: Transitioning to final sequence of Project JeaGer. Commencing purge of all data." We are constantly aware of the current location of our leads. Even after they become nonfunctional. This is so that our mission, the destruction of all JeaGer chassis and deletion of data, is able to be executed quickly. But now, facing the task ahead of me, the mission, carrying out the mission...

"From Pod 153 to Pod 042. Report: There is noise within the stream. Requesting a temporary pause to perform a data check." The noise was coming from the personal data. 8S, who 153 supported, and my leads 3R and A2. Their personal data was leaking, as if they were trying to escape the deletion. Using a phrase like "as if" is very unlike me. No, perhaps the fact that I think it is unlike me is already irregular. "From Pod 042 to 153. Data has been checked. The personal data of 8S, 3R, and A2 seemed to be leaking." "From Pod 153 to 042. Abide by the plan, and delete the personal data." 


3R's actions following her escape from the Bunker were incomprehensible to me. After sending 8S from the battlefield, she turned off her unit's stealth mode. In other words, she became the

decoy. Under concentrated fire, 3R's flight unit lost its attack functions, then its defense functions, and finally navigation, before crashing to the ground. While 3R had managed to escape mere seconds before the impact, her chassis was fatally damaged, and her logic virus infection was severe. Even under such circumstances, 3R had ordered me to search for areas with minimal androids. This was to prevent her from spreading the virus. Considering 3R's infected state, I advised her a number of times to stay put. But 3R kept moving. Incomprehensible. Her staggering away from Machines, and the encounter with A3, became the last data entries for my assistive records with 3R. I think it changed something within me. Perhaps when one makes an effort to understand something that is incomprehensible, their thought process is changed and developed further. "From Pod 042 to Pod 153. I refuse to delete the personal data." "From Pod 153 to Pod 042. Incomprehensible." My leads, JeaGer androids 3R and A3, were both assigned special missions and possessed unique backgrounds. 3R, formally known as 2E, was assigned the mission of overseeing and executing JeaGer android 8S. As a result, close communication between me and Pod 153, 8S's support unit, was essential. When I was the support unit for A3, 153's support target, 8S, began to exhibit dangerous mental tendencies, and so again, close communication with Pod 153 was necessary. As support units, we have been witness to a considerable streak of abnormal situations. And we hypothesize that the ramifications are significant. "From Pod 042 to Pod 153. A new datum was generated in me as I was browsing the records. I...I have concluded that I am unable to approve this outcome." "From Pod 153 to Pod 042. The destruction of all JeaGer androids is outlined in the plan. The data must be disposed of." "From Pod 042 to Pod 153. I repeat. I refuse the disposal of data. Commencing data salvaging."

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