..uh oh..

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(I don't know if anything in this chapter could be potentially triggering but there is mention of panic attacks, injury and head trauma, so stay safe!)


Blasty: bakugo

Babyshark: kirishima

Pinky: mina

Sticky: sero

Headphones: jiro

Pika: kaminari

Insomniac: shinsou

dadzawa: aizawa


babyshark: Hi, uh are these kiri's friends?

pinky: yeah is he okay?

blasty: who is this?


headphones: did something happen?

sticky: yes who are you

babyshark: this is tamaki, um so kiri's in (insert hospital in Tokyo sorry im not creative :P) he's unconscious because he received major head trauma while fighting and they aren't sure when he's gonna wake up yet... But they are allowing visitors and fatgum told me to let you know


headphones: MINA!



pika: we need to go see him

sticky: bakugo?

Blasty has gone offline.

sticky: kami and mina, go make sure he's okay he likes you guys more

pinky: already on my way

pinky: he's in shock I think...he won't say anything, he's just got this blank face I'm kinda scared

pika: I'd be the same way honestly

pika: we're trying to help him now give us a bit

sticky: okay do you need me and jiro and I'm gonna add shinsou since we added him to the squad

Sticky has added Insomniac to the Chat.

insomniac: kami filled me in do you guys need my help?

pika: yeah come over guys he still won't say anything

pinky: someone text sensei he knows about kiri already tamaki texted me but we need to tell him before we leave to see kiri I think that's what's best for bakugo right now what do you guys think?


headphones: good I'm bringing stuff to distract him, I think it's not the best time for him to see kiri like that yet. It might send him more over the edge...for now let's keep him occupied and try to cheer him up. we can visit tomorrow

pika: yeah I agree

insomniac: I also agree with jiro

pinky: okay bakusquad assemble in bakugo's dorm


babyshark: Hi! This is Fatgum with an update on Kirishima; he's still not awake however he should wake up soon the doctors said. They said he's responding to sound, meaning he can hear you and can hear what's happening around him, so I suggest some of you visit to keep him occupied while he's unconscious. He does have a pretty bad concussion and they don't think he'll have any memory of the attack but he SHOULD still remember everything else though they aren't sure so don't count on it sadly. Other than that they think he'll make a full recovery! I talked to Mr. Aizawa, and he said that one person can sleep at the hospital and stay with him overnight. He said who stayed is up to you guys to decide but let him know who.

pinky: bakugo should stay with him

pika: obviously

sticky: is he gonna remember us?

babyshark: they aren't 100% positive on whether or not he'll have any issues remembering anything so don't get too worried but with head trauma it's always a possibility

babyshark: he just came out of surgery (he shattered his arm) and is recovering from that right now. There should be no long term after effects to his arm being broken, but healing is gonna take a while since the bone itself was badly broken in a way that they can't surgically fix. It will heal naturally though. I'll keep giving you a updates on his condition and just message me if you have any questions and I'll try my best.

insomniac: thank you for keeping us updated Fatgum

pinky: yeah we all appreciate it thank you!

babyshark: no problem! I should have kept a closer eye on him but he fought hard the whole time and won, now he just has to heal.

pinky: I'm proud of him he did good

babyshark: is anyone coming to visit him now?

pinky: me kami and bakugo are on our way. bakugo is gonna stay with him overnight

babyshark: that's fine! Just make sure you sign in on the sheet outside his hospital room he's in room number 459. I'll let the receptionist know you guys are coming.

babyshark: hi it's tamaki, a quick update on kirishima: he's probably gonna wake up sometime today. Or at least that's what the doctors said. He just got done getting healed by recovery girl and he's doing a lot better. Honestly I think he's gonna be released in a week or two as long as his arm heals right and they don't have to do surgery again.

pinky: oh thank god thank you tamaki for telling us

babyshark: no problem


dadzawa has been added to the chat.

dadzawa: I haven't told the others yet, but kirishima is awake now. He's fine, still has a concussion and all that, but he's awake so that's an improvement. You guys are allowed to visit, however only small groups are allowed. Meaning the whole class can't just barge in there, due to the doctors wanting the volume to a minimum because #1: it's a hospital and #2: kirishima has a concussion (like I said earlier) and the noise isn't gonna help him. Tamaki and Fatgum are visiting him now but once they're done you can go see him.



sticky: HE LIVESSS

insomniac: ayee that's dope

headphones: cool we should probably get ready to go to see him then

pinky: we should bring him food and stuff since he's gonna be there longer

pika: bakuhoe already brought a lot of his stuff there when he was still unconscious just in case he woke up

pika: what else should we bring

pika: can i bring the Xbox

insomniac: no kami you cannot bring the Xbox to the hospital jfc

headphones: it's the thought that counts??

pinky: he's a little confused but he's got the spirit


insomniac: annnd there he goes....


I'm alive! I know its been a bit since the last update and I'm sorry. I've been HELLA busy with life and stuff and it honestly sucks man.

Also, sorry for the sudden angst these past 2 chapters! I PROMISE this book is mainly gonna be a happy one and there's not gonna be a lot of angst at all.

Next chapter is a happy one ͡° ͜ʖ ͡

Anyways hope that was good, and again sorry it took so long!

Btw thanks for over 200 reads! That's honestly insane

I love all of you! Stay safe! (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

(Not edited but will be eventually)

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