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I don't own any part of Phineas and Ferb not these characters, where the story is set or anything else, just the idea.

"Oh, Isabella you made it!" Vivian gave her daughter a quick wave before returning to her contrabass. "How was the dance recital?"

Isabella grinned. "It was amazing, Mom."

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it."

"It's fine Mom." Isabella looked around. "Seems like a good turn out."

"Actually, most people left after the Mayor's speech," Linda piped up. "Their loss."

"Oh! This is my solo!" Vivian cried.

"I'll see you later," Isabella said. "Good luck!"

She saw Gretchen handing out canapés to people. They caught each other's eye and Gretchen nodded her head over to the steps up to City Hall. When she got there, Gretchen was reaching into a bag stowed behind the stage.

"Here you go Isabella," she said, passing her a set of waitress clothes. "Mayor Doofenshmirtz said we could use the lady's bathroom in City Hall to change in private."

"Cool," Isabella nodded approval at Gretchen's own outfit. "Girl you are rocking the black and white look."

"Thanks, Chief," Gretchen replied. "I'll see you in a bit."

Isabella nodded again and made her way into City hall. Gretchen straightened her tie, picked up her tray of canapés and turned around, knocking into Phineas as he rushed up to her.

"Oh gosh" he exclaimed. "I am so sorry!"

"Phineas," Gretchen said sounding surprised. "What are you doing here?" They bent down and scooped the fallen canapés back onto the tray.

"I'm looking for Isabella," he confessed. "Have you seen her?"

"Why do you want her?"

Phineas reached into his pocket and showed her a golden necklace with a butterfly charm.

"I really hurt her feelings when she told me how she felt," he explained, running his hand through his hair. "I've been wanting to talk to her about it for weeks but she's been so busy ad I didn't know how to say it. I thought that this would help her realise that I'm serious."

"Phineas..." Gretchen was speechless. "It's beautiful."

"You think she'll like it?" He turned it over and she saw that the letters P and I were inscribed on the back.

"I think she'll love it." Gretchen paused. "But what exactly are you planning on saying? Don't think you can just win her over with some fancy jewellery."

"I knock, I know," he replied hurriedly. "I'm going to tell her that se is one of a kind. That everything about her is perfect. I'm going to tell her about the way I'm just waiting to see her every morning and now I 'm eft feeling down when she leaves. I'm going to tell her than I'm an idiot for not noticing her and how she's always been there for me sooner and that I want her to know that I would do anything to make it up to her."

Gretchen smiled slightly. "You might just have a chance yet."

"You think she'll take me back?"

"I don't know," Gretchen admitted. "But showing her that you're willing to wait for her and be there for her in the meantime is definitely the best path to take."

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