New plan

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I don't own any part of Phineas and Ferb not these characters, where the story is set or anything else, just the idea and OCs.

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"Mom! Hey!"

"Oh Isabella!" Vivian cried, her hands held to her heart. "It's so good to see you!"

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there in person," Isabella apologised. "With the big assessment play coming up, it's recommended to stay in the country over holidays."

"Oh, that's ok," her mother smiled. "Happy Hanukah!"

"Happy Hanukah! Are you and Dad doing anything special?"

"Just the normal, lighting the hanukkiyah every night, playing spin the dreidel. How about you?"

"Seb borrowed some equipment from the theatre and he's throwing a massive Christmas party this evening!"

Vivian scratched her chin. "Seb... that's the music one, yes?"

"No, Mom," Isabella laughed. "You're thinking of Alex. Seb's the lighting guy."

"Oh of course," Vivian cried. "He's the smart one!"

"He certain thinks he is," Isabella grinned.

"I remember this," her mother insisted. "He takes life too seriously and likes basketball. I remember that because of his red hair."

"Well," Isabella counted it off on her fingers. "You're right about the basketball and taking life too seriously thing but you're thinking about Alex again with the red hair. Seb's blonde."

"I'll make that edit to my notes."

"Mom," Isabella tilted her head. "Did you take notes on my friends?"

"I want to skip the boring introductory formalities when I finally meet them. Any idea when that will be?"

"I know, I know," her daughter sighed. "I'd love for you to come stay in London for a while like Dad did last Easter. But you're so busy with the restaurant nothing ever aligns."

"Oh, I'm sure we'll figure something out," Vivian waved her hand. "Tell me more about this party!"

Isabella laughed. "Well, Seb rigged all the lights up in the sports hall and the whole year group is coming."

"Oh that sounds like fun!"

"Yeah! Alex is DJing and I'm meeting with Connie in a bit to help set up the buffet and go over some last-minute details."

"Connie is the jock, no?"

"Technically yes, but she'll kill you if you call her that to her face."

"I'll add it to my notes." There was a brief silence, broken only by the scratching on pen on paper. "She seems violent."

"No way!" Isabella shook her head. "You always say that when I bring her up, but Connie is so sweet. She gets a bit... passionate on the netball pitch but a fair game is everything to her."

"I still think you've made this netball game up," Vivian muttered.

Isabella rolled her eyes. "Why haven't you watched those links I sent through yet?"

"I have," her mother admitted. "But there just seem to be so many rules! Why can't you run with the ball and how come you can only shoot from inside the semi-circle?"

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