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"Joon I am just there. Count till 100 and you'll see me." I hung the call saying this .

Well. I have to reach as fast as possible.

Someone barged inside my car just when I was about to move it.

"Please, for once help me and I'll give you whatever you want "  said the blonde haired guy. 

"Tf!! Who the hell are you and how dare you come inside!!" I yelled at him.

"What do mean by who are you!! You dont KNOW MEEE !?!?" He was kind of shocked. Like literally shocked. As if he was a very very damn big personality.

Huh..look at the attitude. I thought.

Suddenly he came close to me and our eyes met. He was beautiful. He was ethereal.
I don't know what did he think of me at that moment but to me... I.. I was pleased looking at him. Looked like heartthrob of Asia. Was he an angel!

♪Someone like you♪♪

My phone rang. It reminded me that I had to hurry. I was back to my senses.

Ohh!! Crap!!

"Listen, you, I dont hve enough time to sort things out with you. So just get out of my-" I did not even complete what I was saying and he started driving the car. Just the moment he moved me away from my driver's seat I noticed a huge crowd running behind my car.

"Yaahhh!!!! What are you doing?"
He didn't even bother to answer to my frustrated words.

Rather he just asked me - "Where do you want me to drop you?"

"What the actual fuck! A stranger came inside my car, without my permission and not getting the heck out of here. Now you still have the audacity to ask me this" my face turned red in anger.

He saw the location on my car and drove off the way.

I was frustrated.

Who's face did I see in the morning when I got up. Remembering it was my mom, i just let go off that stupid thought.

In 20 minutes we reached there and I saw my brother there. Actually not even my brother but yes we are childhood friends and he lives with me and my mom. Just like a family. So I call him, oppa. Yeah, he's older than me. But whatever now that we are here. I came out of the car. He was standing with some decorative stuff packed safely in paper bags. The blonde man also came out.

" Oppa, I am so so so sorry. I mean I had reached earlier if it wasn't him." I pointed at the stupid blonde man coming out of the car.

As soon as he came out and Joon could see his full face. His expression looked like he was kind of surprised,shocked and stunned.

"KIM TAEHYUNG" he said this and fainted.

I panicked right then and there.

"Yahhh!!! What did you do to him! Why is lying fainted on the road" I spoke in a tensed voice.

"Nothing. He is surprised. He might be a fan of mine. I'll take you both home. Tell me directions" he was completely fine. No sign of tension. Not a single line on his face was written where I could read that he is worried about my fainted brother.

But what could I even do. I just told him the way and he drove. While I was sitting there at the back with Namjoon's head in my lap.

I was worried.

He was fine when we talked over the call. What happened suddenly!

~end chapter~

Well, guys I hope that you liked the first update of my story. I am sorry this is a really short update but I promise the next one would be very big. As big as a dinasour. Phew. Spare my bad jokes Important question: do you want me to write this at the end of every update?

Tell me in the comments.

Have a nice day.(tho it's not day but yea whatever)

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